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The Court Administrator Handbook Committee that was constituted to develop a manual for Court Administrators met in Nairobi to discuss its first draft. 

The retreat was held to develop a draft in line  with the committee’s TORs in readiness for presentation at the stakeholders during the next engagement.

The draft which will be subjected to the stakeholders in the Judiciary comes handy as a useful tool for measuring performance, promoting transparency and accountability and standardizing office operations across court stations. The handbook is expected to eliminate disparities and establish harmony and enhance smooth running of any court station.

The team is expected to ensure that the manual is aligned to the mandate of the Judiciary, the Judiciary Transformation Framework (JTF), Sustaining the Judiciary Transformation blueprint (SJT) as well as the emerging corporate trends among others issues. Further, they are expected to prepare all supportive instruments to the manual and undertake any other function or responsibilities as may be allocated to the Committee by the director JTI from time to time.

Some of the highlights of the handbook include:

  • Background, Legal Foundation, Purpose and Target Group
  • Human Resource Management
  • Infrastructure and Facility Management
  • Records Keeping and Management
  • Budget and Financial Management
  • Case Flow Management
  • Community Communication and Access to Justice
  • The Role of a Court Administrator in Procurement


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