The Registrar shall perform the duties assigned to the Registrar the Act, and such other duties as the Chief Registrar may direct, and in particular be responsible for—
(a) the establishment and maintenance of the Register;
(b) the acceptance, transmission, service and custody of documents in accordance with the Rules;
(c) the enforcement of decisions of the Court;
(d) certifying that any order, direction or decision is an order, direction or decision of the Court, the Chief Justice or a Judge, as the case may be;
(e) causing to be kept records of the proceedings and minutes of the meetings of the Court and such other records as the Court may direct; and
(f) undertaking any other duties assigned by the Court for the benefit of the Court.
Milimani Commercial Court
Ngong Road, Upper Hill Close, Nairobi
P.O. Box 30420 – 00100, Nairobi
Tel. +254 0730 182 000
Mobile: 0730 181 000/1800