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Public Affairs and Communication Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Judiciary > Public Affairs and Communication Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Mandate of this committee is to:-

  1. Develop and implement a Communication Policy for the Judiciary
  2. Spearhead the review of a robust Judiciary website
  3. Managing information gateways within and without the Judiciary
  4. Guide the protocol services within and without the Judiciary
  5. Guide strategic communication to build mutual relationships with other state organs in order to champion independence of the Judiciary
  6. Explore the need to have liaison/ champions at regional level to ensure timely and accurate handling of information and communication
  7. Explore the need to have a centralised information collection centre (from regions) as well as an information call centre
  8. Ensure timely response to negative/positive publicity both in mainstream media and social media
  9. Ensure uniform branding of judiciary buildings and merchandise as well as proper signage to and in all judiciary installations
  10. Disseminate branded service charters to all levels of courts and management units
  11. Explore the need for a judiciary spokesperson

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