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Chief Justice Willy Mutunga inaugurates Garissa High Court

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Chief Justice Willy Mutunga inaugurates Garissa High Court


The Judiciary shall never allow for funds meant for construction of courts to be mis-appropriated. This was said by the Chief Justice Hon. Willy Mutunga during the inauguration and handing over of the Garissa High Court.

He said efforts are being made to ensure that funds are used prudently and efficiently for the purposes they are intended.
“Court construction has faced serious challenges in the past, which we are keen to avoid. We have spent much of the year cleaning up errors in the development of infrastructure and expect that with this particular court construction being publicly handed over to the contractors, it will be completed on time and within budget.” said the Chief Justice when witnessing the handing over of the site by the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary to the consultants, M/s Skair Associates Ltd.
The Judiciary has invested heavily in modernizing courts across the country using funds from the Government of Kenya and other development partners, like the World Bank. The High Court in Garissa is among the first of the ten new High Courts to be constructed with funding from the World Bank under the Judiciary Performance Improvement Programme (JPIP). Other courts that will benefit from this funding and whose sites have been handed over to consultants are Nanyuki, Siaya and Nakuru Law courts. JPIP will also construct new High Courts in Kakamega, Olkalau, Wajir, Kajiado, Mombasa and Kabete (children’s court). All the new courts will have ultra-modern ICT facilities, electronic registries, ramps for the disabled persons, detention facilities for the different genders, incorporate witness protection rooms, children facilities, and lactating rooms for staff as well as court users plus many other features.

“We have benchmarked our court construction and rehabilitation against the best in other countries and sensitive to the requirements of the Constitution.” said the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Mrs. Anne Amadi. Besides the construction of the new High Courts, JPIP will rehabilitate 30 courts and conduct minor refurbishment works of 28 courts which is in line with the Governments initiative of accelerating the overall construction and renovation programme of the Judiciary


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