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The Administration of Justice and Court Performance Committee (AJCPC)

The Judiciary > The Administration of Justice and Court Performance Committee (AJCPC)

The mandate of this committee is to

  1. Ensure the establishment of a High Court Station in every County
  2. Ensure that there is established Magistrates’ courts, in all the 290 sub counties
  3. Ensure that the Court of Appeal is decentralized and that there is established sub registries where necessary
  4. Roll out alternative justice systems programmes to all courts
  5. Expand Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)mechanisms
  6. Promote and enhance the Court-Annexed Mediation processes
  7. Promote, enhance and facilitate case backlog clearance initiatives and strategies at all court levels
  8. Operationalize the Small Claims Court
  9. Fully transit and institutionalize all tribunals
  10. Develop a pro poor policy and manual for registry staff
  11. Liaise with the DPOP on the performance of courts and individual magistrates and Judges and advice on improving work methods
  12. Liaise with JTI for training and capacity building of judicial officers and judges with the aim of enhancing jurisprudence

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