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Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja.

The Judiciary > Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja. (Page 10)
Tributes For Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

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Tribute to the late Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

We mourn the loss Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja, Judge of the High Court of Kenya and Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, colleagues, and the entire Judiciary and JSC fraternity during this time of deep sorrow and sadness.

Justice Majanja will be remembered as a towering figure in the development of our transformative post-2010 jurisprudence and a crucial pillar in the institution-building of the JSC and the Judiciary.

We stand in solidarity with the family, friends, and the entire Judiciary and JSC community during this very difficult period of mourning.
Rest in Peace.

Tributes Shared

So humble, caring and respectful. You shaped my life directly and indirectly. I am forever greatful to you. I am at a loss for i am a bird who built its nest on a tree that was you. It hurts, but who are we to question the ways of God. Lala salama and see you on the other side.

Thank you for the wonderful teachings especially on Appeals from the lower Courts. You have taught many and inspired many. Rest well Justice Majanja

So much has been said of the exploits and achievements of the great Judge. I will add a little from the arbitration side of things. Many years ago, I did an arbitration before him when it was uncommon to appoint young Arbitrators. It helped that both counsel were relatively young too. On several occasions, we were also on opposite sides during his days in practice. He was my classmate in the CIArb UK Module 1 arbitration Course too. I appeared on numerous occasions before him in interim measures, setting aside and enforcement proceedings. During his tenure in the commercial division, he distinguished himself as an astute defender of the finality of arbitral awards. He also had an unwritten rule (developed from his remarkable tenure in the Constitutional and Human Rights Division) to dispose of all arbitration matters within 30 days of filing (including summary taxation of costs) or even on the spot. This greatly enhanced the efficiency and general appeal of arbitration. Jurisprudence in key areas of arbitration is settled and is now fairly predictable thanks largely to the consistency in his decisions. Our institute has lost a great member...arbitration has lost a dependable ally...but in his writings, arbitration law and practice will thrive for many years to come. Always a caring elder brother, he was among the first friends to call and condole with me when I lost my brother a few years ago. Some months ago, he instructed a common friend and I to identify, nurture and prepare promising young colleagues from our home region for service in the public sector. I intend to complete the task. Today, I honour and mourn a brother, colleague, classmate and true friend. RiP Maj.

Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card. How you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes your trademark. REST EASY JUDGE

Justice your death has been abrupt & sad. I will always rem interacting with you at Embu Law Courts as a prosecutor in the court u presided, where u were kind & taught me alot. Go well Judge & may your soul RIP.

You have left a legacy and foot prints in the lives of many. May God teach us to number our days. Go there well and rest in peace.

RIEP Judge Majanja a humble and amiable commissioner. The Judiciary family will miss your service both as a commissioner and a judge. I commiserate with the family, friends, the Judiciary family and the entire legal profession.

It's tragic that you went too soon. Your commitment to justice and efficiency while at it left indelible mark on many. Your calmness and reassuring mentorship to all of us will forever guide our approach to administration of justice. Fare thee well, Judge

You were such a gentleman and a humble judge You were the face of integrity within the Judiciary You will forever be remembered and celebrated due to the jurisprudence you created We shall miss you judge .keep watching over us Twena nigwo muhanda ..mukama akuhe ekyihumuro kirungi munywani wagye omuramuzi majanja

Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow In departing, Justice David Majanja has lived up to the quote above as a great man whose footprints 👣 are etched on the legal landscape in Kenya. In high school, Maj was an accomplished choir member. He had a deep bass that was unmistakable in the choir. He appropriately metaphorically lent his voice later in his life as an accomplished jurist who embodied the mantra Strong to Serve. Many have spoken about his legal philosophy and the jurisprudence it brought forth. But so was his diligence and style. It was such the depth of his understanding of issues that made him non pareil and distinguished. He served with distinction both at the Bar and on the Bench. He played his part in recruiting to the Bench too, no less as a twice peer-elected JSC commissioner. There are people who put the emphasis on the word friend in Learned Friend and Judge was one of them. A friend to many. May the ideals he stood for keep burning through those he served and he served with. The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh, may the Lord now comforteth. May we all find comfort as we come to terms with this sad loss of a colossus in the legal industry in the country. Fare thee well Justice.

I recall in 2014 - while you were serving at the Constitutional Division of the High Court at Milimani - when I received your first call when over one my earliest decisions. That was my first interaction with you. You were apparently impressed and at the same time, having made some observations, you had a few tips to share. You encouraged me to sustain the tempo and proceeded to share a few tips on legal writing. We since became friends. You sounded brotherly and you've so remained, since. I was pleasantly shocked that a Judge of your stature would find time to give feedback to a Judicial Officer. I submitted myself to your tutelage, and you gladly embraced the idea. You encouraged me to always apply pragmatic approaches in handling matters, invent smarter ways towards cutting the red tape, and downsizing unnecessary procedural formalities when handling matters. Undoubtedly, you were an unsurpassed virtuoso in this regard. Go well, my Lord.

Life is indeed capricious and unpredictable. If I could take back time, our call on Tuesday night would be longer. Judge Majanja, your death has hit so hard! I interacted closely with Judge Majanja (Maj) when he was posted in Kisumu High Court and later Homa Bay and Kisii Courts. I greatly admired his work ethics, humility, competence and his spirit for social justice. It was an honour and privilege to have worked with him at JSC. He was not only a colleague but a brother and counselor. Maj was visionary and compassionate. He commonly used the saying 'that is not a hill I am ready to die on'' to avoid confrontation and was quick to apologize when he felt his words were misunderstood. Above all he was the voice of reason. Amid crisis, he would just sit, listen and at an appropriate time give a solution and we would all be wowed. His depth and breadth of the law and general issues was amazing. He mentored many, supported the construction of schools and paid fee for many students across the country. Every chrismas he would buy a bull for a prison for inmates to celebrate the season. He was a great caregiver to his parents, a one in a million son, brother and uncle. At a personal level, we were buddies and shared common interests such as antiques, paintings, trees and sim sim mixed with groundnuts 🙂 Judge composed enduring jurisprudence and by the power of the pen he worked towards eradicating injustice and prejudice. He was the ideal Judge as decribed by Socrates and had human warmth which endeared him to all who knew him and those who had only heard of him. Judge Majanja, I am lucky to have known and worked with you. You have left an immense legacy and your spirit will live on through those whom you have influenced over the years. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon his soul. Rest in peace and power Judge.

May the Lord comfort his friends and family.

I served as your prosecutor for almost 2 years. That was my first station at ODPP and I was still learning the ropes. You were a good teacher. Your commitment to the rule of law and human rights was unmatched. May your soul rest in eternal peace. Vallerie ongeti.

Thanks for mentoring me i petitions and JR applications in 2011 at milimani law courts.RIEP

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