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Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja.

The Judiciary > Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja. (Page 12)
Tributes For Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

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Tribute to the late Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

We mourn the loss Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja, Judge of the High Court of Kenya and Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, colleagues, and the entire Judiciary and JSC fraternity during this time of deep sorrow and sadness.

Justice Majanja will be remembered as a towering figure in the development of our transformative post-2010 jurisprudence and a crucial pillar in the institution-building of the JSC and the Judiciary.

We stand in solidarity with the family, friends, and the entire Judiciary and JSC community during this very difficult period of mourning.
Rest in Peace.

Tributes Shared


Go the well.. You were a mentor and inspiration

Justice Majanja you were a good instructor and a kind man. I am the lawyer I am today because of your patient instruction. Rest well

R.I.P. We have lost a great jurist. I may have never met you in person but reading your judgements and rulings left a mark.You shaped jurisprudence. You taught in your writings. During interviews you asked questions,simple but tough just to get the best candidate. You are gone but many people will never forget you. You left a mark ! R.I.P. Judge!

I first met Maj (as we fondly referred to him) when he called me for a pupillage interview. He took me under his wings as a pupil and held my hand. Under his wings I learnt the art of being an Advocate. Humility. Being a sacrificial leader. While I was a pupil, he bought me my first, yet imposing, music system. The system is still with me. He had good taste in music, food, art. He sacrificed his time to accompany me to Limuru for ruracio and then Nakuru for a "confirmation" that my mother had a kitchen. Maj cooked for me and my groomsmen a hearty breakfast on the day of my wedding. He was brilliant yet humble. The void left is immense, his wisdom unparalleled. Go well my teacher.

My Lord Justice Commissioner Majanja, I still hope I am having a bad dream. You have left a huge Gap.In your memory I will strive to be the most humble human being just as you were until your departure. Go well Judge😭😭😭😭😭

We interacted with Justice Majanja while at LRF where his compassion and passion for paralegals, inmates and accused persons was in equal measure. I still remember the request for a water tank in Kisii Prison… Again at WPA his sensitivity and innovation while handling protected witnesses during hearings enhanced the practice of witness protection in Kenya🇰🇪 Your patient to listen even to Greeek…. You have left a mark in the practice of law, with paralegals and confidence with the protectors too. May the Almighty God rest your sole in eternal peace🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

Justice Majanja will forever be remembered for his shrewd and landmark rulings that have, no doubt, changed the course of this country for the better. His expertise and competence is unmatched.

May the angels light your path. May your heart truly be at peace. I’ll always think of you. I’ll always remember you smiling, dancing, laughing and singing. Your voice will always echo in our heads. Thank you for being an amazing friend.

A honest, diligent and hard working Judge. Your judgments truly shaped our jurisprudence and eliminated injustice in our nation. You were my mentor and your ethic and dedication to deliver the best still stands out. May Your Soul RIP.

I got to know you Judge as a young lawyer at Kituo Cha Sheria. You were a Volunteer Advocate and you supported the work of Kituo. In the process, I learnt a lot from you especially on matters public interest litigation. During your interview for the position of Judge, we all attended at Anniversary Towers and cheered you up since you were our own. Of course you got appointed as a Judge and and we were excited. At the Bench you continued to support Kituo's work and our paths crossed many times thereafter. You have now rested in ways we cannot understand. Your legacy lives on. I pray that God rests your soul in external peace😭

Much has been said about you, and much remains unsaid in our hearts. You will not only be greatly but also dearly missed by all those who interacted with you. Surely, death is cruel. Till we meet again at Jesus's feet, rest with the angels Judge.

I know believe that judgements in heaven will be delivered soon. Rest well Judge

A great human indeed. Go well judge!!

A great legal mind and an apt dispenser of justice. The legal fraternity has lost an astute straight foward and honest judicial officer. Personally, i will miss a true and great friend. Fare thee well Maj. Till we meet again.

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