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Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja.

The Judiciary > Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja. (Page 4)
Tributes For Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

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Tribute to the late Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

We mourn the loss Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja, Judge of the High Court of Kenya and Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, colleagues, and the entire Judiciary and JSC fraternity during this time of deep sorrow and sadness.

Justice Majanja will be remembered as a towering figure in the development of our transformative post-2010 jurisprudence and a crucial pillar in the institution-building of the JSC and the Judiciary.

We stand in solidarity with the family, friends, and the entire Judiciary and JSC community during this very difficult period of mourning.
Rest in Peace.

Tributes Shared

His Lordship was quite respectful to advocates and litigants but firm in running his sessions. Deeply insightful decisions and jurisprudence that will forever impact the legal realm. Rest in peace Justice Majanja.

D.S. Majanja, J. The name that will eternally enjoy its place in the history of the Kenyan legal fraternity, more so when the progressive 2010 constitutional dispensation is the topic. You gave many hope when all was gloom. You breathed life into the constitutional values and principles and for that we are forever grateful. As a researcher, you created jurisprudence and dissected difficult legal phenomena with ease providing us with an eternal reference points. You served well Judge, and we are forever grateful. Your time is well appreciated and accounted for.

I remember appearing before you in Kisumu Law Courts and I was amazed with your style of conducting court sessions. Go well judge

Well...what do we say? Still feels like a dream. This one hit hard. Go well Judge.

Rest well Big Brother. I lack words. You were a great inspiration to many of us who came to the profession after you. You were a very humble jurist.

Brilliant and conscientious legal mind that has greatly impacted on Kenyan jurisprudence. It was my pleasure to interact and engage. Fair Thee Well.

When we last spoke, We spoke on our judiciary and the need for change, We spoke on the need for continuous commentaries on the decisions of the court, In the midst of laughter, you remarked on the perpetual delivery of Justice, When I called you a towering judge on the bench, in your usual self, you laughed out loudly, Despite the age gap between you and me, We related as if we were age mates or a fellow judge, That was you Majanja or fellow mafia as I called you, After all you said, Joshua, we are the mafias, I will cherish all the memories that we had.May you rest in eternal peace, my friend and mentor.

Heaven received an angel and a brilliant one for that matter. May your soul rest in eternal peace. Truly, the future's not ours to see. Fare thee well Judge. F

Judge, You were an icon of excellent judicial service. Deep jurisprudential knowledge, character and humility. I shall forever cherish the evening conversations we had as gazed Lake Victoria sunset. Your values for simple and remarkable life. Rest with the Angels. We shall meet again

Hon . David Majanja was a great jurist yet very humble. He oozed lots of wisdom when you sit around him. He humbled me many years ago by taking a trip to my village to attend a function that I had asked to come and he had no problem mingling with my village folk despite his stature. Rest and go well Judge . Till we meet on the other side

Judge,you mentored and transformed me professionally.Your legacy will continue shaping me.I thank God that our paths crossed.Rest well,till we meet at Jesus will be dearly missed.

Thanking the Almighty God for Maj, a Pupil Master who was the epitome of humility. Who cared enough to share in our lives. We have lost a big brother's covering. Praying for God's comfort to the family, colleagues and friends. It will be well.

Maj, you were always accommodating and willing to teach. I recall at times asking legal questions and you would assist in the interpretation and understanding of the law. You always hanged out with us especially at the Magistrates lounge and supported us. Go well My Lord and may your soul rest in eternal peace. Njagi

You were a brilliant legal mind with unwavering dedication, illuminating the path to justice for all. Your wisdom and fairness will remain an inspiration to all of us. You spread joy and laughter wherever you went. Your compassion, bravery, and spirit will never be forgotten. Judge, may your soul rest in peace.

Hon. Justice Majanja was my first boss at Mohammed Muigai Advocates. I owe so much of what I am today as an advocate to him. He was the first human being to tell me I'd make a good advocate. He has been my mentor, big brother and a professional icon in my life. My CV still reads his name as my first professional referee. I still remember the day I was walking along the streets in town and he passed by in his official car, rolled down his window and waved at me. A very humble human being he was. Go well Judge, go well Maj. Rest with the Angels 😭😭😭 Rip.

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