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Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja.

The Judiciary > Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja. (Page 6)
Tributes For Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

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Tribute to the late Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

We mourn the loss Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja, Judge of the High Court of Kenya and Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, colleagues, and the entire Judiciary and JSC fraternity during this time of deep sorrow and sadness.

Justice Majanja will be remembered as a towering figure in the development of our transformative post-2010 jurisprudence and a crucial pillar in the institution-building of the JSC and the Judiciary.

We stand in solidarity with the family, friends, and the entire Judiciary and JSC community during this very difficult period of mourning.
Rest in Peace.

Tributes Shared

Go well Judge, we serve a God of excellence, our excellent God plucked the most excellent of his creations to serve in his Palace.. till we meet again Judge, on that beautiful shore.

The first time I appeared before you, I was young and new in practice, you corrected and guided me with so much humility that to date has shaped my legal experience. Rest well Judge. You touched a life

I first met Commissioner David Majanja in the early 90s when he was my senior at Alliance High School. He had the gift of innovative thinking, visionary spirit and tenacious patience. His energy, commitment and integrity on anything he did, are words that capture my image of the Judge. He was one of a kind and will be sorely missed as a leader, mentor, friend, scholar and exceptional Judge.

Rest well Big Brother. You always remain a great inspiration in delivery of justice since the time I met you at the Introduction to Arbitration class at KIE.

Great soul, great human being. Made practice before his courts beautiful and spent every minute making sure the wheels of justice were smooth. Always throrough and punctual. Fare thee well judge. And may the family find peace during this trying time. So long M' long...

I mourn the loss of a great legal mind Justice Majanja.When I first stepped in a court of law,the name that was largely associated with the bench was his name.I thought he was the only Judge in Kenya.As a good and a strict Judge he was,he will be missed by many Kenyans not only lawyers.May his soul rest in eternal peace

Rest in peace brother

Go well I will personally miss your intelligence .You were so down to earth Rest with the Angels Judge Majanja 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Justice Majanja, you came, saw and conquered my heart. My boss go well

It's a huge loss to the legal fraternity. Sleep well Judge, your legacy precedes you! Till we meet again.

I never got a chance to have a personal interaction with you. But I knew the person you were through those who worked closely with you. During my time as a legal researcher, you fought for us to have better terms. You never told us it had happened. We felt the impact and so the manifestation of your dedication. I will remember you as a with humility who fought for our welfare. You judgments breathed life to the law and jurisprudence. Through them, we will remember that you were a man of honor, and astute intelligence. Though God takes the best, you have gone too soon

May God grant you eternal peaceful rest and may His perpetual light shine upon you. Rest in peace Judge.

It is heart wrenching that a great legal mind in our corridors of justice ⚖️ has passed away. It is only the Almighty God who knows why? Nevertheless, may the soul of the late Honourable Justice Majanja rest in eternal peace 🕊️. May God grant his family and friends the strength to persevere during this difficult moments.

Rest in peace Judge. I enjoyed attending your court sessions! You made me learn to be well prepared before attending any matter! You were an efficient, effective and a reasonable JO. RIP

To me judge Ur a mentor a friend and a legal mind. You a good support to me during hearing of my first ever election petition. You came in handy for guidance and when I delivered my judgement you wrote me a message.i thank God for the time he gave you to us. you will be missed slot.

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