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Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja.

The Judiciary > Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja. (Page 7)
Tributes For Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

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Tribute to the late Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

We mourn the loss Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja, Judge of the High Court of Kenya and Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, colleagues, and the entire Judiciary and JSC fraternity during this time of deep sorrow and sadness.

Justice Majanja will be remembered as a towering figure in the development of our transformative post-2010 jurisprudence and a crucial pillar in the institution-building of the JSC and the Judiciary.

We stand in solidarity with the family, friends, and the entire Judiciary and JSC community during this very difficult period of mourning.
Rest in Peace.

Tributes Shared

His Lordship Majanja J; Today's the day you find eternal rest, In God's embrace, where only the best Are called to dwell, by reasons unexplained, Though we may grieve, our love remains unchained. The thought of parting brings tears to our eyes, A surprise that leaves our hearts in sighs, We may not grasp God's intricate design, Yet, in our souls, your memory will shine. As we gather here, in mourning, dear friend, With heavy hearts, we must comprehend, Life's mysteries, though hard to understand, We'll cherish your memory, hand in hand. In God's own time, we'll meet once again, In a world where joy and peace shall reign, Until that moment, in our hearts, you'll stay, Forever loved, guiding our way. Renee Kitagwa

I first met Judge in South Nyanza KMJA...Since then we've never missed to share one or two in the conferences & meetings we've had. Buriani Commissioner Maj. I learnt a lot from him while in Kilgoris.

The demise of Hon. Justice David Majanja has left a large gap in the jurisprudence of justice in this Nation. As we mourn you, we also celebrate the mentor he was to upcoming practitioners. May your soul rest peacefully and in eternal peace. Go well Justice Majanja...🙏🙏🙏

I Was Shuttered following the News That Justice David Majanja had Died.The Death of Judge Majanja is Like Snow Falling on the Most Beautiful Rose of all the Field in Winter. I Think about His Family and Wish Them Hope in the Midist of Sorrow and Comfort in the Midist of Pain.He was a Good Judge and Played a Pivotal role in interpretation of the Constitution in a Positive and Progressive way. May the Almighty God Comfort the Family and Rest His Soul in Eternal Peace.

Rest in Peace justice David Majanja.Condolences to the family and Judiciary at large

Oooh death, where is thy sting! Judge, you touched lives through your thoroughness. The gap is too big. The pain so deep. Go well! Rest in perfect peace.

Rest in Peace Judge.You were a family friend and a wise,ever-smiling and down to earth person.You will greatly be missed.Your contribution to the advancement of the rule of law will be our reminder that a great man was here.Keep smiling Judge. This has hit hard!

What a personality! We shall remember you as one of the best Kenyan Jurist and a great defender for exhibiting excellent work with unquestionable integrity. Practice daily to walk worthy of your calling, do everything with integrity, be faithful in everything and learn something new every day while building upon what you have already learned. Doing the right things for the right reasons gives us the utmost satisfaction in life. Rest easy Mhesh🥰

Thank you for volunteering to be my mentor and referee when we met for an interview where you were on the panel. It was the highest mark of humility and willingness to mentor the next generation of Advocates. I am a great beneficiary. May Flights of Angels sing you to your Rest Maj.

Gone too soon Judge. Rest in perfect peace at the feet of Jesus.

I dont remember when I first met Justice Majanja but we interacted in LSK circles and then as he acted for us at the CIC. I remember being impressed by his mind especially his grasp of the nuances of complex jurisprudential questions. I loved his principled pragmatism…is there such a thing? Last time we spent together was in a Luo “Ngurario” in Migori. He was his usual jovial self completely shorn of “justicehood”. I believed he was headed to the SCORK to enrich our jurisprudence as he had done in his days at the constitutional bench. O why does death steal our best? May he rest in peace. He left an indelible mark this great son of Kenya

- we learnt from junior Judicial Officer to discharge our work diligently and honestly. -His advice were very useful in our day to day work. He was the most accessible Judge and commissioner to junior Judicial Officer - His insights during induction and training were highly helpful to junior Judicial Officer - He spoke his mind and he was authentic - we will really mis his insights and inspirations

I met Justice Majanja for the very first time when he recently visited Kerugoya with the Jsc team.He talked to us Advocates of Kirinyaga and i could feel how smart and wise he was and it dawned on me !This is the famous justice majanja.He encouraged us the advocates to join the bench so we could help shape the things we felt were missing and make a difference.I felt like he was talking to me.He indeed was a good Judge.I am saddened.May his soul rest in peace.

Good bye Judge. You left a mark in my practice I'll forever be grateful. Rest in peace.

Your Lordship Majanja. Or Maj as I have known you since 1988 when I met you at The School. You were in Form Two while I was in Form One. I recall your sonorous deep bass voice. You sang so well. We met again at Parklands Law School. It immediately became clear to me how much you loved the law and how good at it you were. In 1997, I recall you visiting Tony Burugu at Mungai & Gakuru Advocates where I was doing pupillage. You were then at Mohammed & Muigai Advocates. The lively legal and life in the legal field discussions we held taught me so much and prepared me for the life in future. We kept on interacting after that, meeting at the airport, in court etc. You moved to the bench and I remember arguing the petition on the Leadership and Integrity Act before you in 2012. It was a challenging and enjoyable legal experience. We last met barely a month ago at the Kisumu Public Service Club. It was in the evening and you were on your way to your rural home hence declined to join my team for dinner. But you were in such a jolly mood and kept smiling. You said a few encouraging words to the young Advocates I was with then took your leave. Little did I know that the night marked our final farewell. Rest in peace Maj. Rest in peace Your Lordship Justice Majanja.

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