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Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja.

The Judiciary > Tributes to the Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja. (Page 8)
Tributes For Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

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Tribute to the late Hon Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja

We mourn the loss Hon. Justice David Amilcar Shikomera Majanja, Judge of the High Court of Kenya and Commissioner of the Judicial Service Commission.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, colleagues, and the entire Judiciary and JSC fraternity during this time of deep sorrow and sadness.

Justice Majanja will be remembered as a towering figure in the development of our transformative post-2010 jurisprudence and a crucial pillar in the institution-building of the JSC and the Judiciary.

We stand in solidarity with the family, friends, and the entire Judiciary and JSC community during this very difficult period of mourning.
Rest in Peace.

Tributes Shared

Having sat next to him at the JSC on two occasions, I felt like I had a friend in the panel. And though I knew him from having gone to parklands in the same years, I doubt that was the reason I felt that way; he just had a way of making everyone feel at ease. Sometimes I'm not sure exactly what the phrase means, but a soul like that will surely rest in peace. As surely as his legacy will live on

You were a mighty and giant legal mind. A jurist per excellence.You cared sincerely and deeply for all those you met along your life. You have been the proverbial big brother to me and many others who were lucky to have interacted with you. I am richer for having met you. Fare well your Lordship. Until we meet again!

We have lost a jurist. May Judge's soul be received by the angels. RIP Maj.

You ran a good race Maj, rest well my friend. We will miss you.

I will greatly miss you .You were a gentleman .Hardworking person and generous . I recall when you were the PJ Kisii High court how you build a coalition and you reduce the case backlog . It is God who will reward you after this life. Go well judge .

Gone too soon! You had the cleanest of hearts. You looked out for me always. You did everything meticulously. You blended with everyone. I shall sincerely miss you David. May your soul rest in eternal peace.

Justice Manjaja is known for his humility and intelligence of a noble gesture. His approach to justice likely left a lasting impact on those who appeared before him and on the legal profession as a whole. It's a reminder of the importance of fairness and wisdom in our judicial system. RIP

Your legacy lives on Judge. Go well and may God almighty rest you in EP.

The Death of Judge Majanja is Like Snow Falling on the Most Beautiful Rose of all the Field during Winter. I Think about the Family and Wish Them Hope in the Midist of Sorrow and Comfort in the Midist of Pain. May the Almighty God Comfort the Family and Rest His Soul in Eternal Peace. Abenayo Wasike

The loss is immeasurable, may his Lordship soul rest in peace.

Undoubtedly the death of Hon. justice Majanja is a big loss to the juriciary fraternity. The Hon. Jushe exhibited great competence, diligence, professionalism and integrity while in service. We thank Allah for bestowing on him these attributes. His sudden death is a big loss and it has thrown the entire judiciary into deep mourning. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and relatives at this difficult time. May Allah the Almighty grant him eternal rest.

I mourn a friend and a great jurist I always looked up to. The first time I appeared before him, he determined an application that had been pending in court for 2 years in a week. In December last year, we ate Mbuzi as he percolated nuggets of wisdom. Rest in peace the ideal Kenyan Jurist. I will miss you Maj.

May the heavens open up to receive Maj, and his soul rest in eternal peace.

Your level-headed in matters law was from out of this World. You epitomised our school motto of 'Strong to Serve'. We will mourn you Judge and we will read your judgements in trying to walk the path curved in our jurisprudence.

Judge words fails me. You were a fine jurist dedicated to ideals and purpose of public service. you lend your ears to those in crisis. You were generous and always contributed towards welfare for those in need. Your judgements were meticulous, schorlarly, well researched and reasoned. I have learnt a lot from your judgements especially appeals from my court . You may be physically gone, but your legacy lives on. May your soul rest in eternal peace

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