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Embrace persons with disabilities, CJ Maraga

The Judiciary > Headlines  > Embrace persons with disabilities, CJ Maraga

Embrace persons with disabilities, CJ Maraga

Chief Justice David Maraga has urged the public to embrace persons born with disabilities.nnHe said there is need for the public to give support and treat the children with love because they did not choose to be born with disabilities.nn“I urge the public to treat them with love and kindness, these children did not choose to be born like this and neither did their parents choose to have them this way, so we must empathize with them,” the CJ said.nnThe CJ was speaking when officials of the Down Syndrome Association of Kenya, who were accompanied by children and persons with Downs Syndrome, paid him a courtesy call to sensitize the justice system on mental disabilities with regard to access to justice by persons with mental disabilities.nnThe Chief Justice cited examples where people take advantage of people with disabilities and exploit them due to their weaknesses.nnHe said there is need for the law to protect vulnerable people against those who may want to take advantage of them.nnJustice Maraga promised that the Judiciary Rules Committee will develop rules that address the needs of the affected persons.nnThe CJ added that he will also table the matter in the Judiciary Leadership Advisory Committee (JLAC) which he chairs, for consideration.nn nn 

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