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Court clears over 50 matters in two days

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Court clears over 50 matters in two days

 The Court of Appeal sitting at Mombasa has cleared over 50 matters in a two-day rapid response initiative (RRI). This will be replicated countrywide to clear pending cases in the Court of Appeal.


Today, May 28, 2019, it heard 16 appeals and nine applications.  On May 27, judges heard and determined 16 appeals and 8-single-judge applications. Further, they heard and determined three matters for settling terms of Orders. These matters have been heard by the 19 Judges of the Court.


The Court constituted four benches to hear appeals at the court and also listed single Judge Matters in a two-day Rapid Response Initiative (RRI) between May 27 and 28, 2019 at Mombasa Old Court.


A total of 400 pending cases filed at Malindi and Mombasa Registries formed part of the backlog from which 52 matters were listed for hearing and determination by the judges in the two day Service week.


A similar exercise will be conducted in Nakuru on June 10 and 11, 2019, to clear case backlog of cases filed in the Nyeri and Nakuru Registries. Nineteen judges of the Court of Appeal are involved in the exercise.


The Old Court Mombasa was officially opened, for use by the Court of Appeal, by Chief Justice David Maraga on April 12, 2019. During the launch, the president of the Court Justice William Ouko promised that the court will hold sessions in May 2019 to hear and determine appeal cases in a bid to clear case backlog at the Court.


The Court of Appeal is in the second phase of this initiative where the service weeks or RRI model is adopted by empaneling benches to sit in a given station to hear and determine appeals in a quest to clearing pending cases. Ultimately the desired goal is to clear all backlog so that the court can hear appeals in real-time.





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