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CJ Koome receives report on status of election petitions arising from the 2022 General Election

The Judiciary > Uncategorized  > CJ Koome receives report on status of election petitions arising from the 2022 General Election

CJ Koome receives report on status of election petitions arising from the 2022 General Election

Chief Justice Martha Koome received a report from the Judiciary Committee on Elections on the status of petitions that were filed after the 2022 General Election. The report shows that 91 of the 219 matters filed – including those contesting party lists – have been finalised in their courts of origin.nnThey included the consolidated presidential petition that was concluded within the set timelines. Twelve petitions were filed in relation to the election of Governor and 28 for Member of the National Assembly.nnTwo petitions were filed against the election of Senator, 4 for Woman Representative, 77 for Member of County Assembly and 89 party list petitions. The High Court and Court of Appeal are now handling subsequent appeals.nn nn nn

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