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Author: Web Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Web Admin (Page 10)

Commission on Revenue Allocation and Police and Prison Taskforce teams sworn in

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the swearing-in of the Commissioners of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) and members of the Taskforce on the Terms and Conditions of Service for the National Police Service and Kenya Prisons Service. Among those who took oath of Office is Retired Chief Justice David Maraga who was sworn in as Chair of the Taskforce on the Terms and Conditions of Service for the Police and Prisons officers.nn nn nn nn ...

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ELC Judges trained on Alternative Justice Systems

ELC Presiding Judge Oscar Angote led the Court’s judges in a training session on Alternative Justice Systems (AJS) in an exercise conducted by the National Steering Committee on Implementation of AJS (NaSCI-AJS) in conjunction with the Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA) with the support of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).nn nn nn nn ...

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[CAMAT RULES, 2022]nnThe Communications and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal (CAMAT) is established under Section 102 of the Kenya Information and Communications Act, No 2 of 1998. Its mandate is to arbitrate on disputes arising from the IT and communications sectors.nnIn exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 10 of the Second Schedule to the Kenya Information and Communications Act, the Tribunal has developed draft rules to regulate the procedure and practice in the Tribunal.nnIn line with the Constitutional requirement for public participation and the provisions of the Statutory Instruments Act, the Tribunal has organized a webinar where stakeholders and members of...

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NCAJ Inaugural report – Administration of Justice in Kenya Annual Report 2021/22

 nn nnHis Excellency President Dr William Samoei Ruto presided over the launch of the Administration of Justice in Kenya Annual Report 2021/22, an inaugural report of the National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ).nnThe President said the efficacy of our justice sector – whether and how we uphold the rule of law and administration of justice - is key to the performance of the institutions of our political economy. He said public confidence has risen steadily, with more and more Kenyans seeking to access justice and majority expressing satisfaction in the services provided.nn“Since the establishment of the NCAJ more than...

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