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Author: Web Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Web Admin (Page 14)

CJ presides over the swearing in of Director, DCI

Chief Justice Martha Koome on Wednesday 19, 2022, presided over the swearing-in of Mr. Amin Mohamed Ibrahim, as Director, DCI at a ceremony conducted at the Supreme Court. Ibrahim was appointed by President William Ruto to head the Directorate of Criminal Investigations following a competitive recruitment process conducted by the Police Service Commission.nn ...

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The Employment and Labour Relations Court deliberates on its draft Practice Directions

nDirector Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA) Justice Dr. Smokin Wanjala officially opened a workshop for the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC).n nnnThe workshop was aimed at discussing the draft ELRC Practice Directions (2022) with a view to enhancing access to justice, reflect on the application of conciliation, the role of the ELRC and review the court’s performance, over the last five years.n nnnThe workshop was organised by the Office of the Registrar, Employment and Labour Relations Court in conjunction with the KJA, supported by the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO).nn nn ...

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Milimani Commercial Courts fraternity sensitized on integrity and accountability

Employment and Labour Relations Court Principal Judge Maureen Onyango leads a sensitisation exercise for the Milimani Commercial Courts fraternity on integrity and accountability at the workplace.nnParticipants included judicial officers and staff of ELRC, Small Claims Court and Commercial Magistrates Courts.nn nn ...

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Machakos Children Court Users Committee launched

Chairperson of the NCAJ Standing Committee on the Administration of Justice for Children Justice Teresia Matheka and Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi attended the launch of the Children Court Users Committee at Machakos Law Courts.nnThe Children CUC, whose Chair is Hon M. Otindo (PM), is to champion efficient management of children cases.nn nn ...

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DCJ Mwilu with Amnesty International Kenya for a Legal Freedom Clinic

DCJ Mwilu this morning joined Amnesty International Kenya (AIK) for a Legal Freedom Clinic at Aga Khan Walk, Nairobi. The event was also a commemoration of 10 years of AIK. She commended Amnesty Kenya for a decade of mobilizing and campaigning for human rights for Kenyans.nnThe DCJ stated that the Judiciary is a strong and committed partner and highlighted synergies between Amnesty’s work and the Judiciary’s Social Transformation through Access to Justice (STAJ) vision to advance the common good and overcome exclusion through access to justice.nnJustice Mwilu emphasised the need to improve legal literacy & empowerment, fund & strengthen the...

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Justice Eric Ogola installed as Principal Judge of the High Court of Kenya

Chief Justice Martha Koome wants the new High Court Principal Judge Eric Ogola and the High Court team to clear the cases that have stayed in the court beyond the Social-Transformation-through-Access-to-Justice benchmark of three years.nnShe said that as of today, the High Court has 82,852 pending cases with a backlog of 52,920 cases and 19,701 of these cases have stayed in the court beyond the STAJ benchmark of three years.nnShe called on the Principal Judge to focus on these 19,701 cases during the first year in office and come up with strategies and interventions that will ensure that these cases...

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Leonard ?Mambo Mbotela sworn in as member of the National Heroes Council

nChief Justice Martha Koome witnessed the swearing-in of Leonard ?Mambo Mbotela as a member of the National Heroes Council following ?his appointment last month.?n nThe CJ said it is imperative that we celebrate and appreciate our heroes and ?heroines since our national story is largely the story of the contribution of our ?heroes to the project of nation building.?n nnn?“We can build a new culture and practice of identifying, celebrating ?and supporting our unsung heroes and heroines when they’re still with ?us,” she said. ?nnnThe CJ noted it is the only modest way through which we can show ?appreciation for their heroic...

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