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Author: Web Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Web Admin (Page 22)

The Judiciary holds Special Tribute in honour of the Late Justice Beatrice Thuranira Jaden

nnThe Judiciary held special court tribute proceedings at Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi, to ?honour the late Lady Justice Beatrice Thuranira ?Jaden. Similar proceedings were held at Nyamira, Narok, ?Chuka, Kisumu and Machakos Law Courts in honour of the departed judge.nnMilimani Law ?Courts tribute proceedings that were presided over by Deputy ?Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu were attended by the ?late Judge’s family members, Judiciary fraternity and ?representatives from AG’s office, ODPP, among other ?court users.?nnThe late judge was eulogised as an outstanding jurist ?through her contribution in the cause of justice for the ?last 36 years of her service in...

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High Court Judge Roselyne Aburili receives LSK Distinguished Judge Award

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has recognised Justice Roselyne Aburili for hernoutstanding dedicated service over a sustained period of time. The Judge was recognized for  her thorough, balanced and well researched judgments. nnThe LSK noted that she is ever present in court even when indisposed and renders timely decisions. The Society celebrated her courtesy to all court users, outstanding humility and creating an enabling environment for discussions and feedback to her court.nnnn ...

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DCJ Mwilu calls on heads and principals to maintain focus on their primary calling

The Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu urged heads and principals to exercise financial probity and maintain focus on their primary calling. She decried commercialization of basic education saying it exacerbated exclusion, inequality, and injustice. The DCJ was speaking at the 9th Makueni County Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Conference where she was the chief guest.nn nn ...

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Launch of the Specialized SGBV Court at Shanzu and Celebration of the UN International Day of Women Judges

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the launch of the Specialized SGBV Court at Shanzu Law Courts in Mombasa and the inaugural celebration of the UN International Day of Women Judges. nnThe day themed; “Women in the Justice System Breaking the Glass Ceiling,” was also attended by Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mbete Mwilu, Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najibu Balala,  Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Kilifi County Governor Amason Kingi and development partners, among other guests. nn nn ...

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CJ Koome to preside over swearing of CEO CAJ and members of SRC & KNCHRC

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the swearing-in ceremony of members of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), the new Secretary/CEO of the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) as well as the Chairperson and Members of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR).nnThose who took the Oath of Office are Wangui Muchiri as a member of the SRC and Mercy Wambua as Secretary/CEO of the Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman).nnThose sworn into office at the KNCHR are Roseline Adede (Chairperson) and Prof. Marion Mutugi, Dr. Raymond Nyeris, Sara Bonaya and Dr. Dennis Wamalwa as members.nn ...

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