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Author: Web Admin

The Judiciary > Articles posted by Web Admin (Page 8)

CJ Koome launches a Small Claims Court at Meru Law Courts

nChief Justice Martha Koome launched a Small Claims Court at Meru Law Courts bringing to conclusion the Phase 1 rollout of the Small Claims Courts in the country.n nThe Small Claims Court at Meru was operationalized in November 2022 and as at February 2023 a total of 110 cases had been filed, 63 finalized with awards of Kah10,662,215.nnn nnn“The Small Claims Court is informal, simple, straightforward and is not wholly guided by rules of evidence. Parties can entirely proceed on the basis of documents presented in court without having to make oral submissions - Hon Dominica Nyambu.n nnnThe county appreciates the establishment of...

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CJ Koome presides over swearing-in of PSC nominee to police reforms taskforce

NAIROBI. Friday February 3, 2023.  Jane Chege took oath of office as the representative of the Public Service Commission to the National Taskforce on Improvement of the Terms and Conditions of Service and other Reforms for Members of the National Police Service and Kenya Prisons Service.nnSpeaking after presiding over the swearing-in ceremony at the Supreme Court building, Chief Justice Martha Koome said the Taskforce will catalyse effective service delivery by the two institutions which are crucial for the enforcement of the law.nn“Indeed, our criminal justice sector cannot function effectively when our men and women in the police service and prisons...

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CJ Koome urges Magistrates and Kadhis Courts to be innovative

WEDNESDAY, February 1, 2023.  CJ Koome urges Magistrates and Kadhis Courts to be innovativennCourts must innovate in the quest to expand the doorways of justice, especially for the vulnerable in society, Chief Justice Martha Koome has emphasised.nnSpeaking in Naivasha at the opening of the first Magistrates and Kadhis Colloquium since 2018 due to the COVID 19 pandemic, CJ Koome said everyone wants and deserves to do and receive justice.nnThe CJ acknowledged that Magistrates and Kadhis Courts are the actual doorways of justice in Kenya.nn“I recognise that Magistrate and Kadhi Courts are the actual ‘doorways’ of justice, with 85 per cent...

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Women in legal profession have made strides in leadership but challenges still exist

Women in the legal profession in Kenya have made great strides in leadership but challenges still exist, a new report launched by Chief Justice Martha Koome shows.nnThe findings by the Institute for African Women in Law show that women can make a difference in changing institutional structures and cultures, promote and expand equal opportunities for women and other vulnerable groups to access justicennDuring a fireside chat with IAWL’s Executive Director, Prof. Jarpa Dawuni, CJ Koome said she stands for the independence of the Judiciary, and wishes to create an institution that can support Kenya’s democracy.nnProfessor Dawuni, who established the Institute...

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Sexual and Gender Based Violence Courts to be rolled out across the country, says CJ Koome

NAIROBI, Monday January 30, 2023. Sexual and Gender Based Violence Courts to be rolled out across the country, says CJ KoomennThe Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court will be relocated from Shanzu to a new site in Mtwapa, as efforts are made to roll out the specialised courts across the country, Chief Justice Martha Koome has said.n nThe Chief Justice, who spoke during a meeting with ambassadors from Denmark and Sweden to review strategic partnerships supported through the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO), says the courts will ensure tailor-made justice for victims of sexual and gender-based violence.n nDanish Ambassador to Kenya Ole Thonke emphasised...

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CJ Koome receives report on status of election petitions arising from the 2022 General Election

Chief Justice Martha Koome received a report from the Judiciary Committee on Elections on the status of petitions that were filed after the 2022 General Election. The report shows that 91 of the 219 matters filed - including those contesting party lists - have been finalised in their courts of origin.nnThey included the consolidated presidential petition that was concluded within the set timelines. Twelve petitions were filed in relation to the election of Governor and 28 for Member of the National Assembly.nnTwo petitions were filed against the election of Senator, 4 for Woman Representative, 77 for Member of County Assembly...

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Judiciary and UNODC to focus on the vulnerable under new programme

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 25 - The Judiciary and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have agreed to focus on programmes that lay emphasis on the poor and vulnerable in the Kenyan society.nnSpeaking during a meeting at the Supreme Court with the UNODC delegation that was led by the organisation’s Deputy Director - Division of Operations, Bo Mathiasen, Chief Justice Martha Koome said the two institutions have mounted the transformative Programme for Legal Empowerment and Aid Delivery (PLEAD), which enters its second phase from March this year.nnThe Chief Justice said the programme will support ongoing initiatives and new...

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CJ Koome condoles with family of John Momanyi

nnnnnnnChief Justice Martha Koome condoles with the family of John Momanyi Change, during his memorial service at the Holy Family Basilica. Momanyi built an admirable repertoire of dependability, professionalism and earned diplomatic skills as he served in Judiciary's Protocol Dept.n nMay his Soul Rest in Peace.nnnnnnnn[gallery size="medium" masterslider="true" ids="29675,29676,29677,29678"]nnnnnn nnnnn...

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CJ meets Microsoft officials and NCAJ

Chief Justice Martha Koome met with officials from Microsoft and the National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ) in efforts to spur digital transformation in the justice sector.nnShe said that on the onset of COVID-19, courts have been using Microsoft Teams for their virtual hearings adding that Adoption of technology by the courts has been revolutionary and the Judiciary aims to advance on the gains made thus far.nn“We aim to partner with Microsoft to address the gaps that hinder access to justice,” the CJ said.nnShe Added: “In addition, through NCAJ, we endeavour to make the justice chain accessible and...

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