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Somali Judges visit JTI

Somali judges, prosecutors, court officials and defense lawyers visited the Judiciary Training Institute to benchmark on training at the facility. The team was in the country to conduct a Mock Trial aimed at growing the capacity of Somali criminal justice practitioners to conduct efficient trials in respect of international standards trials. The team toured JTI to learn about how the institution was established and how conducts its trainings. The visit was supported by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).   Somali Judges and other guests are joined by JTI’s Deputy Director Dr. Freda Githiru and Hon. Becky Cheloti when the team visited the...

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JTI excels in the 2016/17 performance evaluation

The Judiciary Training Institute has continued to deliver its services in line with its mandate. The institution is responsible for meeting the training, research and capacity development needs of Judiciary employees through various training programs, seminars, public lectures, research, and other forms of discourses. During the 2016/17 Performance Management and Measurement Understandings Evaluation (PMMU), JTI achieved an overall performance grade of very good. It scored 100 per cent on core mandate, financial and innovation and learning perspectives. The training institution was among Semi-Autonomous Judiciary Agencies that signed for the 2016/17 PMMU. Other agencies evaluated during the year were: National Council for Law Reporting...

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The Court Administrator Handbook Committee that was constituted to develop a manual for Court Administrators met in Nairobi to discuss its first draft.  The retreat was held to develop a draft in line  with the committee’s TORs in readiness for presentation at the stakeholders during the next engagement. The draft which will be subjected to the stakeholders in the Judiciary comes handy as a useful tool for measuring performance, promoting transparency and accountability and standardizing office operations across court stations. The handbook is expected to eliminate disparities and establish harmony and enhance smooth running of any court station. The team is expected to...

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National Judicial Dialogue on Environmental and Wildlife Crimes

Stakeholders in the justice chain met in Isiolo to hold dialogue on environmental and wildlife crimes in the country. The forum attended by stakeholders from the Judiciary, Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), representatives from the Civil Society organizations concerned with environment and wildlife matters, focused on the existing gaps and challenges in the environment and wildlife conservation matters. The workshop themed, “Into the Next Frontier: Balancing Environmental Sustainability and Development,” discussed among other topics, the emerging Jurisprudence on Wildlife Crimes in Kenya, Nature and Emerging Trends of Environmental Crimes, Environmental...

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42 new magistrates inducted

42 new magistrates inducted Over 40 newly recruited magistrates took their oath of office in December 2017. The ceremony conducted by the Registrar, Magistrate’s Court Peter Mulwa was witnessed by Chief Justice David Maraga, JSC members, Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi among other guests. The CJ cautioned the 42 magistrates recruited by the Judicial Service Commission against engaging in corrupt practices adding that there is perceived and real corruption in the Judiciary. He said the institution has however put in place mechanisms to monitored activities in courts across the country to ensure cases of corruption are dealt with firmly. “Allegations of corruption in...

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Continuous judicial education and Kenya School of Government (KSG) trainings

JTI has facilitated induction programmes for about 1500 new staff of the Judiciary. For existing staff, the institute facilitated 356 Judicial Officers and staff to attend Kenya School of Government trainings. These KSG trainings were partly promotional and aimed at enhancing the skills and competencies of the participants.One of the mandates of JTI is to conduct Continuous Judicial Education (CJE) for Judges and Judicial Officers.  Further, JTI is mandated to prepare and implement training programmes for staff of the Judiciary. During the 2016/17 financial year, various CJE programmes were rolled out for Judges and Judicial Officers focusing on Electoral Dispute...

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Budget Reduction to affect JTI Activities

The National Treasury recently directed budget reduction on the current budget of the Judiciary due to low performance of revenue and emerging priorities. In a Circular dated 25th September 2017, the Treasury cited repeat of the Presidential election, insecurity, drought response measures and the government’s counterpart funds requirement as some of the reasons for this call. This has consequently affected various Judiciary departments’ budgets, with the Judiciary Training Institute (JTI) budget being revised downwards by about 75 per cent. This has affected most of the activities planned for the Institute and the Judiciary at large in this financial year. As a...

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JTI conducted a training workshop for Court of Appeal Judges from 12th to 15th October, 2017. The main agenda of the training was discussions around revenue and taxation issues that relate to law. Among other issues discussed were the role of Kenya Revenue Authority in the economy, assessments relating to various tax heads (VAT, Income Tax & Excise), a presentation on dispute resolution mechanisms within Tax Law- (objections and appeals),elaborate enforcement of tax recovery, law and challenges and understanding the role of intelligence gathering in tax administration and emerging areas and challenges.   Others were Community Law and emerging issues in Customs administration, participants...

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As part of JTI mandate to undertake various research programmes and or come up with policies, various research programmes have been actively in progress. Amongst the programmes undertaken by the JTI’s Research and Policy Department are: Training Needs Assessment (TNA): With the transforming Judiciary and the launch of Performance Management System in 2015, JTI jointly with the Directorate of Human Resource and Administration has taken a strategic initiative to delve deeper into ways that enrich competencies, capabilities and potential of Judiciary employees. With the successful assessment of Training Needs of the Judiciary workforce, it is believed that the Judiciary will be...

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