JTI excels in the 2016/17 performance evaluation
The Judiciary Training Institute has continued to deliver its services in line with its mandate.
The institution is responsible for meeting the training, research and capacity development needs of Judiciary employees through various training programs, seminars, public lectures, research, and other forms of discourses.
During the 2016/17 Performance Management and Measurement Understandings Evaluation (PMMU), JTI achieved an overall performance grade of very good. It scored 100 per cent on core mandate, financial and innovation and learning perspectives.
The training institution was among Semi-Autonomous Judiciary Agencies that signed for the 2016/17 PMMU. Other agencies evaluated during the year were: National Council for Law Reporting and the National Council for Administration of Justice.
JTI performance on the specific key indicators on its core mandate included; conducting EDR training for judges, conducting CJE training for magistrates, developing Judiciary Training Master Calendar, organizing colloquium for judges and magistrates, organizing a retreat for the Supreme Court and developing EDR handbook on elections.
During the launch of the PMMU report, Malindi Court of Appeal was recognized as the best overall performing Court of Appeal in the country. Further, Kericho High Court was recognized for being the best overall performing High Court in the caseload category of 200 cases and below while Voi High Court was awarded the best overall performing High Court in the caseload category of between 201 and 500 cases.
The Judiciary Training Institute was established to provide judicial education for judges and judicial officers. It derives its mandate through the delegated function of the Judicial Service Commission of preparing and implementing programmes for continuing education and training for judges and other judicial officers.
JTI Director and staff after being rewarded.
Director JTI receiving certificate award from the Chief Justice