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High Court Family Division’s Bar-Bench Committee visits Tononoka

High Court Family Division’s Bar-Bench Committee led by the Division’s Presiding Judge, Justice Aggrey Muchelule inspects the Tononoka Children's Court. The team which comprised   representative from IDLO discussed how they can partner to support juvenile justice.nn nn ...

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CJ Koome tours court and Children’s Remand Home

nChief Justice Martha Koome made her debut tour of the Kisumu Law Courts where she inspected the Registries and held meetings with the Leadership Management Team led by Justice Fred Ochieng, the Presiding Judge and the staff.n nnnShe received a report on the status of court operations, case backlog among other issues. The staff also presented her with a report on staff welfare.n nnnThe Chief Justice also visited the Kisumu Children’s Remand Home where she toured the facilities. A remand home is a facility that takes care of children who are in conflict with the law.n nnnThe Chief Justice was received by the...

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New CJ Koome and newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge received

Lady Justice Martha Koome, after she took her Oath of Office as the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya, proceed to her new office at Supreme Court where she was received by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu, Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi, Supreme Court Judges, the Judiciary leadership teams and staff. Also received was the newly sworn in Supreme Court Judge William Ouko.nn nn ...

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