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The Judiciary > News Headline (Page 29)

Mombasa Chief Magistrate speaks on access of justice for the vulnerable

Mombasa Law Courts Chief Magistrate Evans Makori, when he was live on Pwani FM during the ‘Gumzo Pevu’ program to explain the measures put in place by the court & its Court Users Committee(CUC) to ensure the poor & the vulnerable accessed justice easily amid the Covid 19 pandemic. The move was jointly facilitated by the CUC and  Human Rights Agenda (Huria).nn nn ...

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Public participation on the Judiciary budget 2021/22

The Judiciary is finalizing preparation of the FY 2021/22 and Medium Term Budget Proposal. In observance of the requirement for public participation in all financial matters under Article 201 (a) of the Constitution of Kenya and Section 37 (5) (a) of the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act 2012, the Judiciary has organized public hearings in various regions. Download the documents below.nn nn[ Schedule] [ Judiciary MTEF Report] [Popular Version] [JSC Budget Report]...

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ELRC Judgment on appointment of Business Premises Rent Tribunal members

The Employment and Labor Relations court ruled on Friday, October 30,2020, that it is the constitutional mandate of the Judicial Service Commission to appoint members of the Business Premises Rent Tribunal. It therefore quashed the gazette notice of the  appointments done by the CS and ordered fresh recruitment by the JSC. n nAttached find the Judgment [Download Judgment]...

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