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CJ Maraga condoles with family, friends and colleagues of Mr Bob Collymore

The Judiciary > Headlines  > CJ Maraga condoles with family, friends and colleagues of Mr Bob Collymore

CJ Maraga condoles with family, friends and colleagues of Mr Bob Collymore

MONDAY, July 1, 2019. 


Message of condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Mr Bob Collymore


I have learnt with great sadness about the demise of Mr Bob Collymore, the Chief Executive Officer of Safaricom PLC.


On behalf of the Judiciary, my family and on my own behalf, I wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to his wifeWambui, their children, relatives as well as the entire Safaricom family during this sad time.


Mr Collymore was an exemplary corporate leader who not only drove the financial performance of his company to unparalleled heights, he also created many avenues of support for deserving charities and individuals who benefited greatly from Safaricom’s corporate social responsibility programmes.


He was an inspiration to many people and leaves behind a strong legacy that will forever be cherished.


May the Almighty God grant his family the fortitude to bear this tragic loss.




Hon. Justice David K. Maraga, EGH 


Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court.

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