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More Small Claims Courts rolled out at border towns to enhance access to justice

The Judiciary > Editor Feature  > More Small Claims Courts rolled out at border towns to enhance access to justice

More Small Claims Courts rolled out at border towns to enhance access to justice

More Small Claims Courts rolled out at border towns to enhance access to justice

The Judiciary, through the Office of the Registrar Magistrate Courts, this week, rolled out five more Small Claims Courts (SCC), bringing to 10, the number of Small Claims Courts launched at border towns.

During the exercise that is meant to operationalize the courts across the country, the Office of the Registrar Magistrates Courts rolled out Small Claims Courts in Moyale, Mandera, Busia, Malaba and Taveta border towns.

Last week the Judiciary launched the SCC at Wajir, Loitokitok, Dadaab, Kakuma and Migori border towns. During the roll outs, a team from the office also conducted training for staff and sensitized stakeholders on SCC procedures and processes.

The Registrar Magistrate Courts Hon Caroline Kabucho explained that the focus on border towns is occasioned by the rise in the number of commercial disputes being recorded due to increased trade activities in the areas.

She said the office will roll out the remaining 15 SCCs in November this year adding that the move will reduce case backlog and enhance access to justice in the country.

In August, Chief Justice Martha Koome gazetted 25 Small Claims Courts bringing to 37, the number of Small Claims Courts gazetted since their establishment in 2021. The courts are mandated to determine cases that involve claims of less than Ksh 1 million.

Small Claims Courts aim to reduce backlog, facilitate citizen access to justice, and directly open the courts to the public as part of the Chief Justice’s vision of Social Transformation through Access to Justice and especially to the vulnerable.



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