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Small Claims Court launched in Voi and Garissa

The Office of the Registrar Magistrates Court (ORMC) launched the latest Small Claims Courts (SCC) at Voi and Garissa bringing the number to 40 countrywide. The launch that was presided over by Justice Edward Wabwoto PJ Voi ELC and Justice John Nyabuto Onyiego PJ Garissa Law Courts is aimed at taking court services closer to the people and opening the doorways of justice. The event was also graced by Hon. Mildred Obura HoS Voi Law Courts, Hon. Thomas Muraguri HoS Garissa Law Courts, Hon. Susan Gitonga, Deputy Registrar Small Claims Court and Adjudicators Hon. Manuela Kinyanjui HoS Milimani, Hon. Vera...

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Swearing in

CJ Martha Koome has today presided over the swearing-in of Fatuma Saman and Carolene Kituku as Members of the Selection Panel for the Recruitment of nominees for appointment as the Chairperson and Members of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission at the Supreme Court. The Oath was administered by Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya. ...

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Judiciary Dialogue Day at Kisumu

Supreme Court Judge and Director Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA) Dr Smokin Wanjala leads Judges, Magistrates and members of Staff at Kisumu Law Courts in engaging the public during Judiciary Dialogue Day aimed at expanding avenues for judicial conversations and receiving feedback from court-users and stakeholders to strengthen delivery of justice. Speaking during the Judiciary Dialogue Day at Kisumu Law Courts, Justice Wanjala said that the dialogue will provide the Judiciary with an opportunity to reflect, deliberate, and chart the way forward, to ensure that justice is not only done but is seen to be done, efficiently, effectively, and with the highest...

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CJ presides over the swearing in of SRC & PSC Commissioners

Chief Justice Martha Koome on January 20, 2024 presided over the swearing-in ceremony for the ?Chairperson and Commissioners of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), ?and the Vice-Chairperson and Commissioners of the Public Service Commission (PSC). ?The SRC members who took the Oath of Office include Sammy Chepkwony ??(Chairperson), Jane Gatakaa Njage, Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Martin Kizito Ong’oyi, Mohammed ?Aden Abdi, Dr Geoffrey Apollo Omondi, Dr. Gilda Odera & Leonid Ashindu. ? Those members who were sworn in for the PSC are; Mary Wanjira Kimonye (Vice ?Chairperson), Harun Maalimu Hassan, Mwanamaka Amani Mabruki, Boya Molu, Dr ?Irene Cherotich Asienga, Dr Francis...

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IAWJ launch Collective Empowerment Network programme

The International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) – Kenya Chapter has launched the Collective Empowerment Network, Women in Leadership in Law (CEN WILIL) programme, an initiative arising from the partnership between the IAWJ and the IAWJ – Kenya Chapter. CEN seeks to empower women Judges and Magistrates through the structured implementation of key activities such as mentorship, sponsorship, networking opportunities, topical workshops, dialogues with judicial leaders and decision-makers, communities of practice, and a leadership development series. Chief Justice Martha Koome said CEN Women in Law and Leadership Programme is a transformative initiative aimed at creating an enabling environment for women judges and...

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Judiciary Case Digest on Elections launched

The Judiciary Committee on Election-JCE, chair Justice Mohamed Ibrahim led the committee and stakeholders launch a Judiciary Case Digest on Elections. The digest covers emerging jurisprudence from the August 2022 general elections in Kenya. Also present during the launch was Kenya Judiciary Academy Director General Justice Smokin Wanjala, judges, magistrates and stakeholders in electoral reform sector as well as partners, USAID and Electoral Law and Governance Institute for Africa (ELGIA). ...

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DCJ Mwilu urges judges to engage stakeholders to foster administration of justice

NEWS RELEASE. DCJ Mwilu urges judges to engage stakeholders to foster administration of justice NAIROBI, December 11, 2024 - Properly convened and executed forums that provide an avenue for discussions, consultation, reflection, critique and stakeholder engagement are critical to enhance the capacity and ability of judges and judicial officers to administer justice. Speaking at the close of the inaugural two-day High Court Human Rights Summit in Nairobi, Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu said that in order to effectively protect and promote human rights, it is essential to cultivate open dialogue and information sharing among judges and other justice stakeholders. “The people-centred justice approach under our...

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Kenya at crossroads over human rights abuses – CJ Koome

Kenya at crossroads over human rights abuses - CJ Koome NAIROBI. December 10, 2024. Kenya is still grappling with human rights abuses despite progressive and transformative jurisprudence from the High Court and superior courts. Speaking during the opening ceremony of the High Court Human Rights Summit in Nairobi, Chief Justice Martha Koome said the country is grappling with extrajudicial killings, abductions, increase in femicide and gender-based violence as well as suppression of peaceful assemblies, unaccountable use of power, poverty and socio-economic inequalities. “Some of these challenges are rooted in structural inequalities, governance problems, and changing societal and global situations. Addressing these challenges remains...

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New members of CAJ, NGEC and IPOA sworn-in New members of CAJ, NGEC and IPOA sworn-in Chief Justice Martha Koome today presided over the swearing-in ceremony of chairpersons and members of the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ), National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), and the Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA). The Chief Justice said the Constitution entrusted them with advancing its aspirations and safeguarding its principles, as outlined in Article 249(1), which provides that the objects of constitutional commissions and independent offices are to: protect the sovereignty of the people; secure the observance by all State organs of democratic values and principles;...

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