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The Judiciary holds Special Tribute in honour of the Late Justice Beatrice Thuranira Jaden

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The Judiciary holds Special Tribute in honour of the Late Justice Beatrice Thuranira Jaden

nnThe Judiciary held special court tribute proceedings at Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi, to ?honour the late Lady Justice Beatrice Thuranira ?Jaden. Similar proceedings were held at Nyamira, Narok, ?Chuka, Kisumu and Machakos Law Courts in honour of the departed judge.nnMilimani Law ?Courts tribute proceedings that were presided over by Deputy ?Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu were attended by the ?late Judge’s family members, Judiciary fraternity and ?representatives from AG’s office, ODPP, among other ?court users.?nnThe late judge was eulogised as an outstanding jurist ?through her contribution in the cause of justice for the ?last 36 years of her service in the Judiciary. The ?proceedings of the special court will be made ?permanent records of the court and a copy to be ?shared with the family.?nn nn

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