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Hon. Lady Justice Matheka Nelly Awori

The Judiciary > Hon. Lady Justice Matheka Nelly Awori

Hon. Lady Justice Matheka Nelly Awori

Hon. Lady Justice Nelly Matheka was born in Mombasa County.


She holds the following academic and professional qualifications:

  • Masters of International Human Rights Law from the University of Lund, Sweden
  • Bachelor of Laws from University of Nairobi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Law from Kenya School of Law
  • Post Graduate Diploma in International Human Rights Law, University of Lund, Sweden.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in International Law and Organization for Development, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Admitted to the Roll of Advocates in 1989

She has over 30 years in the legal profession.

She was appointed as an Environment and Land Judge in 2016 and has served in Mombasa and Kakamega


Previous Experience

  • Worked at Parliamentary Council at Attorney General Chambers.
  • Appointed District Magistrate II and rose to the rank of Principal Magistrate/Principal Deputy Registrar, High Court of Kenya.
  • Worked in various companies in private sector as a Corporation Secretary, Legal and Human Resource Director.


Other responsibilities

  • Fellow of the Institute of Certified Secretaries.
  • Member of Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and former Vice Chairman.



  • Travelling
  • Cooking

• Environmental conservation

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