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New court building opened at Nyamira Law Courts

CJ raises concern over rising defilement casesnnChief Justice David Maraga today asked religious leaders and village elders to help mentor young people in order to curb the spiraling cases of defilement that are leading to many of them ending up in jail.nnHe said that in the many prisons he had toured around the country, the number of young people serving time for defilement or awaiting trial were far too many, pointing at a serious problem that society must address.nnSpeaking in Nyamira during the official opening of the new law courts building, Justice Maraga said an inordinately high number of cases...

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New court building opened at Molo Law Courts

A new court building was officially opened at Molo Law Courts. Chief Justice David Maraga  presided over the function  that was attended by residents and local leaders of Molo, led by Governor Lee Kinyanjui. nnThis is the fifth court project funded by World Bank through the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP), to be opened in the country. The World Bank is supporting construction of 29 court projects across the country. Court construction in the country is aimed at increasing access to justice and enhancing service delivery.nnMolo Law Courts handles about 422 cases monthly. Out of these cases, 230 are criminal, 23...

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DCRJ inspects court construction at coastal region

Deputy Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Paul Ndemo is on a tour of Voi, Mombasa & Kwale Law Courts, to assess construction progress. Judiciary is commited to Improving court infrastructure countrywide to enhance access to justice.nn#JudiciaryConstructionProgressnn nn ...

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New court building opened at Vihiga Law Courts

The Vihiga Law Courts building was opened by the Chief Justice Hon. David Maraga bringing access to court closer to the people. The new court building will contribute towards improving service delivery, administration of justice and reduction of case backlog. The building has spacious four court rooms that will be able to accommodate litigants, secure registries with lockable cabinets, separate holding cells for men, women and children, access ramps, a library among other facilities.nnThe Vihiga building is the fourth court building opened that is supported by the World Bank through the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP). In the recent past...

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Kenyans to get better services from the courts

The Judiciary is undertaking a Court User Satisfactory Survey in all the courts across the country gathering information that will assist in improving the quality of service delivery. The Directorate of Planning and Organizational Performance (DPOP) is undertaking the exercise designed to assist the Judiciary improve in the delivery of justice in an expeditious manner. The information when implemented will ensure that the court users, members of the public and other stakeholders access professional and quality services and administration of justice without much delays.nnThe on-going exercise will be concluded in three months. It targets litigants, advocates, suppliers, and contractors amongst...

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Enhanced access to justice at Makindu Law Courts

Makindu Law Court was established in 1998. It was constructed by members of the public through the “food for work” programme. The residents bought food and used the proceeds to buy bricks and construct the court. Before the construction of the court, litigants used to travel over 125km to Machakos Law Courts to receive court services. Makindu Law Court is one of the four courts in Makueni County. On 31st January 2019, a new modern court in Makindu was opened by the Hon Chief Justice, David Maraga accompanied by the Hon Governor for Makueni Prof. Kivutha Kibwana. This new court was...

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Nyando Court was established in 1921 as Native Tribunal. It was renamed Nyando African Court operating from under a tree. The court comprised of a Chief Native Commissioner, an African Court Officer and an African appointed by then the Governor of Kenya. One of the appointees was Shadrack Malo, a former president of the central Nyanza Court of Appeals. The first building was in 1940. The old Court housed 2 Magistrates, staff and records of over 1800 cases. Judicial officers and staff worked in squeezed premises hazardous to their health and safety, but this is now in the past. The new...

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Official Opening of the Kigumo Court

The Chief Justice David Maranga officially opened the Kigumo Law Court jointly with members of the local community in Muranga County on 1st of November. The new Law Court now replaces the previous dilapidated buildings which had existed from 1917.The new building consists of three court rooms, three chambers, and registries for each division and separate holding facilities for men, women and juveniles complete with toilets, library for judicial officers and advocates together with a lounge. Kigumo Law Court case load is over 2000 cases per year, shared between three magistrates. They have a case clearance rate of 100% which means...

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Kenya Law hands over Grey Books for use by Judicial Officers

National Council for Law Reporting (Kenya Law) handed over 620 Grey Books to Judiciary for use by judicial officers. Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi received the books and presented them to various courts.nnThe books were printed with the support of the Judiciary Performance Improvement Project (JPIP), a World Bank-funded Project. nnKenya Law CEO Long'et Terer said the books are meant to be a quick reference for the officers adding that the Council will continue supporting the judicial officers to enable them deliver justice. nnJPIP's Communication Consultant Nicholas Simani said Kenya Law is one of the implementing units the Project is supporting in...

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