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World Bank Tours Kigumo Law Courts

The World Bank is pleased with the on-going court constructions. The Country Director of the World Bank, Diariétou Gaye observed that good progress is being made towards bringing justice closer to the people. While touring the Kigumo Law Courts, the country director was informed that the court construction is at 98% towards completion. The court is among 30 other courts being constructed/rehabilitated and are at various stages of completion. The construction/rehabilitation of the courts is supported by the World Bank whose outcome is to improve access to court and provide timely services to the public by the Judiciary. The Country...

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Court construction by JPIP at different stages

The court construction works of Judiciary Law Courts are progressing on well and are at different stages towards completion. The new courts being constructed under the World Bank supported programme of Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) are expected to improve the dispensation of justice and bring quality services closer to the people. They shall have state of the art facilities including ICT Technology, spacious court rooms and registries, separate cells for men/women/juvenile, protected witness rooms, libraries, adequate chambers and offices, ramps for the physically challenged and many other facilities. In some courts, the facilities are already being occupied as other...

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The rehabilitation works of Engineer, Chuka and Kigumo Law Courts are progressing well with some parts of the building been partially occupied to enable court proceedings to continue uninterrupted. It is anticipated that the contractors shall complete the rehabilitation works by January 2017. Supported by the World Bank Group under the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP), the three courts will have three levels measuring an average of about 2,300 square meters. There will be more court rooms and chambers, registries, conference facilities and lounges, separate self-contained cells for men, women and juveniles, offices for prosecutors and prison wardens, adequate space for...

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Chief Justice Willy Mutunga held discussions with Nicholas Menzies, World Bank Task Team Leader for JPIP project. The World Bank mission team which was in the country from February 1-12, 2016, was pleased with the progress being undertaken in the implementation of the project. At the meeting was the Project Coordinator Nancy Kanyago, World Bank Court Registry consultant, Nicole Ridley and the Chief of Staff Duncan Okello.   The World Bank mission team also held discussions with implementing units to get progress updates. Below the Registrar of the High Court Hon. Judy Omange gives an update on progress made on activities undertaken...

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The Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) on-going court rehabilitation and construction works are in compliance with Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) safeguards. An Environmental and Social Safeguards Review Report undertaken by a World Bank Group consultant reveals that four Judiciary courts that are being rehabilitated meet the required guidelines set out by National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and National Construction Authority (NCA). The environmental and social safeguards performance review was undertaken at Chuka, Engineer, Kigumo and Molo Law Courts. The rehabilitation and construction works comprise of increasing the number of court rooms and chambers, separate holding cells for both gender...

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JPIP upbeat to complete construction of courts

  During the year 2015, rehabilitation and construction works under the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) continued smoothly at nine courts stations across the country. The sites include Engineer, Chuka, Kigumo, Molo, Nyamira, Nyando, Oyugis, Tamu and Vihiga Law Courts. The court sites were handed over to contractors early in the year. The construction of the nine courts is expected to be complete in September 2016. JPIP has already rehabilitated two court pilot projects, namely; Kangame and Kitui Law Courts. JPIP is a World Bank funded program that is meant to improve access to justice.  The various construction stage at some of the court...

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JPIP builds capacity and impart knowledge and best practices in procurement

  The Independent Fiduciary Agent (IFA) conducted a two day training on Procurement Procedures and Guidelines for JPIP on 5th – 6th November 2015. The training was to build capacity and impart knowledge and best practices and at the same time prepare the judicial officers in procurement for a smooth transition of procurement functions on JPIP. JPIP procurement processes was previously handled by IFA who are at the end of November 2015 will be expected to hand over the functions to Judiciary all the procurement and financial functions as envisaged in the consultant contract. The training workshop was attended by Heads of...

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  The Project Management Unit, Integrated Fiduciary Agent, Directorate of Building Services and seconded staff to JPIP from the Judiciary participated in a two day Strategic planning workshop to deliberate and develop strategies for improving efficiency of JPIP implementation. It aimed at ensuring that the entire team understood the new focus of the project from component to outcomes towards front-line service provision. The workshop also provided an opportunity for Project Management Unit (PMU), Integrated Fiduciary Agent (IFA) to share experiences, reflect on the environment in which the project operates and capitalize on its strengths in driving the project to success and also propose...

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The Judiciary through the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) has handed over an additional two court sites to contractors to commence construction works. Nyando and Vihiga Law Courts were handed over to Philmark Systems Services Ltd and Lunao Enterprises Ltd respectively for rehabilitation works at a cost of Ksh.152million for both courts. The rehabilitation works are expected to be completed by September 2016. In May and June this year Engineer, Tamu, Nyamira, Molo, Chuka, Kigumo and Oyugis Law Courts were handed over for rehabilitation works to the contractors. The completion of the rehabilitation of these seven courts is June –July 2016. The...

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The Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) will shift the orientation of the project from inputs that fill gaps in judicial administration to core outcomes that are most important to court users. The project will now focus on four outcomes (1) Increase access to courts and Legal Information; (2) Improve timelines of Judiciary Services; (3) Enhance performances and quality of decision making; and (4) Project Management. This is still in line with the Project Development Objectives (PDO) of improving the performance of the Judiciary to provide its services in a more effective and accountable manner. During the Mid-Term Review (MTR) on 6th...

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