JPIP upbeat to complete construction of courts
During the year 2015, rehabilitation and construction works under the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) continued smoothly at nine courts stations across the country.
The sites include Engineer, Chuka, Kigumo, Molo, Nyamira, Nyando, Oyugis, Tamu and Vihiga Law Courts. The court sites were handed over to contractors early in the year. The construction of the nine courts is expected to be complete in September 2016.
JPIP has already rehabilitated two court pilot projects, namely; Kangame and Kitui Law Courts. JPIP is a World Bank funded program that is meant to improve access to justice.
The various construction stage at some of the court stations in the country:
Masonry works being done at Chuka Law Court.
On-going rehabilitation works of Chuka Law Court
On-going rehabilitation works of Engineer Law Court
Construction Consultant supervising the construction of Kigumo Court
On-going rehabilitation works of Kigumo Law Court
The architect discussing the court design at Molo Court site meeting.
On-going rehabilitation works of Molo Law Court
On-going rehabilitation works of Nyamira Law Court
The construction architect is particular about details of the Nyamira Law Court
Men at work on Nyando Law Court
On-going rehabilitation works of Nyando Law Court
On-going rehabilitation works of Vihiga Law Court
Regular site meetings are held at court construction sites to ensure that the projects are on time, meet required standards and are professionally built.