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The Judiciary > JPIP Updates (Page 5)

JPIP procures vehicles to support service delivery in Judiciary

Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) has procured 13 state-of-the-art 4wheel-drive vehicles for implementing units to improve delivery of service in the Judiciary. The initial nine vehicles were delivered to the Judiciary and are undergoing inspection process before distribution to respective implementing units.  The vehicles are part of a consignment of the 24, the project procured to ease transport logistics by the implementing units. The vehicles include saloon, heavy duty utility vehicles, a microbus and a 62 semi-luxury bus for the Judiciary Training Institute (JTI). JPIP is supported by the World Bank Group.      IFA and Judiciary team with the newly acquired Ford Forest vehicles.    The initial nine...

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World Bank team meets Judiciary project implementing units

The World Bank supervisory mission held an intensive half day workshop for all implementing units in the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) to assess the relevance, efficacy and effectiveness of the design of the project and to gauge whether the project is on course in meeting its objective. The outcome of the workshop is intended to assist in the preparations of a mid-term review and restructuring of the project in May 2015. The restructuring will be based on the projects objectives, activities, indicators, allocation of funds and implementing procedures of JPIP. Mid-term reviews are conducted in all World Bank Projects. The...

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New leader for World Bank’s Judicial Performance Improvement Project

Mr Nicholas Menzies, a Senior Counsel in the Governance Global Practice of the World Bank, is the new Task Team Leader of the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP). Menzies takes over the management of JPIP from Ms Nightingale Rukuba-Ngaiza, who has taken over other duties with the World Bank. Menzies is no stranger to JPIP, having been involved in the project since 2012, including undertaking several mission visits to JPIP. Prior to joining the World Bank, he worked on Indigenous Land and Natural Resource Governance in Australia; on Legal Empowerment and Access to Justice in Cambodia, and on Policy Reform...

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  The World Bank supervisory mission was impressed with the progress made towards modernization of the Kitui Law Courts. The mission team led by Nicholas Menzies, World Bank Task Team Leader and the Co- Task Team Leader George Larbi were informed that the rehabilitation works to modernize the court was completed on schedule with the technical handing over done in November 2014. Following a tour of the premises the team observed that with the improved facilities court users will be provided with better quality services and access to justice by the courts. The Principal Senior Magistrate of Kitui Law Courts, Mrs....

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Chief Justice Willy Mutunga inaugurates Garissa High Court

  The Judiciary shall never allow for funds meant for construction of courts to be mis-appropriated. This was said by the Chief Justice Hon. Willy Mutunga during the inauguration and handing over of the Garissa High Court. He said efforts are being made to ensure that funds are used prudently and efficiently for the purposes they are intended. “Court construction has faced serious challenges in the past, which we are keen to avoid. We have spent much of the year cleaning up errors in the development of infrastructure and expect that with this particular court construction being publicly handed over to the contractors,...

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Article 35 of the Constitution requires that every citizen has a right to access to information from the State and that any information affecting the nation shall be published and publicized. The World Bank Group guidelines on Procurement of Goods, Works and non-consulting services under Section 11(c) para 2.60, Appendix 1 paragraph 7, requires that awarding of contracts information be published. In accordance with the above-mention two clauses, the Judiciary through the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) which is supported by the World Bank hereby publishes contracts awarded under the project....

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  The Judiciary in partnership with the World Bank is championing the restoration of public confidence, transparency and accountability within the Judiciary. Through the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP) the Judiciary aims at providing services in a more effective, efficient and accountable manner leading to making the Judiciary the best administrator of quality services and justice in Africa. The World Bank is funding JPIP (Project ID - P105269) at US$120 million for a period of six years as part of the World Bank's FY 10-13 Kenya Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) governance pillar and the regional strategy "Africa's future and the World...

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The Integrated Fiduciary Agent (IFA) unveiled the Service Level Agreement (SLA) which sets out service standards aimed at streamlining the procurement processes. The SLA is to guide all IUs, Project Management Unit (PMU) and IFA through the procurement processes and financial management cycles. It sets out timelines of how long the procurement process would take in the procurement chain. If adhered by all then it’s expected that there will be fast and efficient procurement process and payment transaction. Click here for the service charter [  Download Service Charter   ]...

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