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Embrace persons with disabilities, CJ Maraga

Chief Justice David Maraga has urged the public to embrace persons born with disabilities.nnHe said there is need for the public to give support and treat the children with love because they did not choose to be born with disabilities.nn“I urge the public to treat them with love and kindness, these children did not choose to be born like this and neither did their parents choose to have them this way, so we must empathize with them,” the CJ said.nnThe CJ was speaking when officials of the Down Syndrome Association of Kenya, who were accompanied by children and persons with...

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47 new magistrates join Judiciary

Chief Justice David Maraga has urged newly sworn-in magistrates to serve with honesty and integrity in order to create confidence in the courts.nnSpeaking during the swearing-in ceremony of 47 newly recruited magistrates, the Chief Justice said the magistracy is a high calling that is laden with responsibility that should be seen from the judgments written by the judicial officers.nnThe Chief Justice warned that the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) will not hesitate to take action against any magistrate who is involved in corruption.nn“The Judiciary does not condone corruption, we cannot fight corruption if we are abetting corruption among ourselves,” said Maraga.nnThe...

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Tribunal members take Oath

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi today at the Supreme Court building presided over the swearing-in ceremony of the chairperson of the Communication and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal (CAMAT) Ms Anne W. Mwangi and the members of the Education Appeals Tribunal.nnDr Nancy Macharia, Pius Mutisya, Caro Kariuki, Waigi Kamau and Harrun Mohammed Yussuf took oath of office as members of the Education Appeals Tribunal, while Jane Mwereru, as the tribunal’s Secretary.nnSpeaking at the event, Amadi said that since the mandate of the Education Appeals Tribunal is to handle appeals emanating from any persons aggrieved by the decisions of County Education...

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CJ Maraga presides over PSC members swearing

 Chief Justice David Maraga to presided over the swearing-in ceremony of eight members of the Public Service Commission (PSC). Those who took Oath of Office are: Vice Chairperson Charity Selena Kisotu and members: Dr Joyce Nyambuti, Dr Mary Mwiandi, Dr Reuben Chirchir, Amb. Patrick Simiyu Wamoto, Amb. Salma Ahmed, Andrew Muriuki and Joan Odhiambo Otieno. nn nn ...

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My fellow countrymen and women, please accept our deepest gratitude for the immense concern you have shown following our accident in Nakuru yesterday. My wife and I, and indeed our entire family, are profoundly touched by your messages of goodwill and prayers for quick recovery. I'm particularly grateful to President Uhuru Kenyatta on whose instructions we were airlifted to Nairobi for further treatment. After thorough investigations, the doctors have confirmed that we suffered only minor injuries and are fine.  We’re also touched by the goodwill messages from Deputy President William Ruto and Hon. Raila Odinga who has this morning visited and prayed...

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CJ Maraga discharged from hospital

 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2018.  Chief Justice David Maraga was last evening discharged from Nairobi Hospital where he had been under observation following a road accident in Nakuru yesterday morning.n nHis wife Yucabeth, who was with him at the time of the accident, spent the night at the hospital but is expected to be discharged soon. n nHis driver and an aide were unhurt.nnDIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNICATIONnJUDICIARY...

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