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CJ presides over the installation of Justice Onganya as ELRC Principal Judge

Chief Justice Martha Koome presided over the installation ceremony of Hon. Justice Byram Ongaya as Principal Judge of the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC). Justice Ongaya was elected by ELRC  judges for a period of 5 years. He takes over from Lady Justice Maureen Onyango who has served as the Court's Principal judge since 2017.nn ...

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CJ witnesses the swearing in of Inspector General of Police

Chief Justice Martha Koome witnessed the swearing-in of Japheth Koome Nchebere as the Inspector General of Police at the Supreme Court building.nnThe CJ said the Inspector General's appointment had come at an exciting time within the justice sector when institutions and actors in the Kenyan justice sector have embraced principled co-operation and collaboration to ensure the efficiency of the criminal justice system under the auspices of the National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ).nnThe New IG of Police warned  criminals out there brandishing knives and guns and threatening wananchi’s lives and property, livestock rustlers that criminality will not be...

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DCJ delivers keynote address at the 39th ICPAK Annual seminar

Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mbete Mwilu delivered the keynote address at the 39th ICPAK Annual Seminar on the topic: 'The Role of Professionals in Facilitating the Justice System Globally.'nThe DCJ said that the role of accountants in the management and operation of justice system institutions is in ensuring that financial resources are expended in conformity with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, related legislation, and accounting best practices.nJustice Mwilu noted that as drivers of accountability, the call to public trust directs accountants to see beyond the narrow function of illustrating the use of resources presented through the financial...

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PUBLIC NOTICE: Invitation to Submit Comments on Rent Restriction Draft Registry Manual and Service Charter

Invitation to Submit Comments on RENT RESTRICTION DRAFT REGISTRY MANUAL & SERVICE CHARTERnnThe Rent Restriction Tribunal is established under section 4 of the Rent Restriction Act Cap 296 to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants as well as any other function conferred to it by the laws of Kenya.nnThe overall objective of the Tribunal is to determine disputes between landlords and tenants for dwelling houses. Specifically, it is responsible for:nna) Regulating the increase of rent;nb) Exaction of premiums and fixing of standard rents;nc) Resolving disputes in relation to service charge, repairs of house, recovery of rentnarrears, refund of deposits, eviction, recovery...

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CJ Koome launches Children Service Month

The Chief Justice Martha Koome launched the Children Service Month. The Month of November is dedicated to sensitise the public on the rights of children and to hear, determine and fast-track cases involving children across all court stations. This years’ service month will prioritize clearance of children matters, especially those that have been in courts beyond the statutory six months.nn nn nn nn ...

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CHILD JUSTICE SERVICE MONTH. Voi Court hosts students to create awareness on the rights of the child

Voi Law Courts Head of Station Hon. Mildred Obura and  justice sector actors - Children Department, ODPP and Police Department – hosted Mwasere Girls High School to create awareness on the rights of the child under Children Act 2022. The students also interacted with the justice sector processes.nn nn nn nn ...

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