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MnnRepublic of KenyanTHE JUDICIARYn n31st May, 2018n nTO:?ALL ADVOCATES n?ALL LITIGANTSn nNOTICEnANNUAL MAGISTRATES & KADHIS COLLOQUIUMnThe Annual Magistrates & Kadhis Colloquium is scheduled to take place between 17th and 30th June, 2018.n nThe same will take place in two phases as follows:n nPhase I:  17th to 21st June, 2018nPhase II: 26th to 30th June, 2018n nThe participation has been scheduled such that in each of the two (2) phases, only half of the magistrates will be in the court stations.n nBE NOTIFIED that there will be disruption of court operations during the colloquium period.  All courts have been advised to put up notices to that effect, and...

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New court building opened at MolonnChief Justice David Maraga officially opened an ultra-modern court building at Molo Law Courts in Nakuru County.nnThis is the fifth court project funded by World Bank through the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP), to be opened in the country. The World Bank is supporting construction of 29 court projects across the country. Court construction in the country is aimed at increasing access to justice and enhancing service delivery.nnMolo Law Courts handles about 422 cases monthly. Out of these cases, 230 are criminal, 23 civil, while 130 comprise traffic cases, among others.nn nnWith the opening of a...

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[owl-carousel category=" Settlement Week in Nairobi, the Chief Justice David Maraga gazetted Practice Directions to guide the roll out of Court Annexed Mediation to 10 Counties namely; Mombasa, Eldoret, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri, Machakos, Garissa, Embu, Kakamega and Kisii.nThe Taskforce that was gazetted to oversee the implementation of Court Annexed Mediation has now began to carry out launch activities in the various counties. nCurrently the Taskforce team is in Nyeri andadvocates, Court Users Committees, mediators, county leaders, media, community leaders and members of the public will be sensitized and engaged on court annexed mediation.nRegistries will be set up to receive mediation matters...

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