CRJ Mokaya meets ELRC and pledges to support it execute its mandate

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Hon Winfridah Mokaya paid a courtesy visit to the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC), in a bid to understand the status and priorities of the court. This will help her to support and facilitate the court to deliver on its mandate.
CRJ Mokaya underscored that ELRC is a critical court where both the Judiciary and JSC are clients noting that the court is occasionally called upon to arbitrate between the two institutions. She said the Court is progressive and its decisions have informed decision-making at JSC.
The CRJ announced that one of the strategies she will use to step up efficiency is empowerment of the Registrars of the respective courts. She elucidated that infrastructure and maintenance of facilities is an institution-wide challenge, which she will focus on.
While presenting their needs and priorities to the CRJ, the PJ Ongaya emphasized that court infrastructure is a key challenge both in Nairobi and outer stations. Issues of resource allocation, the need for Legal Researchers, Office Administrators and ICT equipment were also raised.
The CRJ informed the ELRC judges that she did not want to make assumptions regarding the needs of key constituencies that her office is required to serve and that’s why she had visited the court at the earliest opportunity. She said she had noted their concerns and will prioritize them.
She reiterated her pledge that the OCRJ will be supportive and facilitative to the Employment and Labour Relations Court.
“I commit to support you to the best of my ability and also to involve you because sometimes the solutions are not with me, they are with you,” she said.
ELRC’s establishment has 57 judges and the PJ called for hiring of more judges. The Court is embracing Court Annexed Mediation, Alternative Justice Systems and works closely with stakeholders like Ministry of Labour and COTU to resolve as many disputes as possible outside court.
A total of 2,060 cases were filed in ELRC in FY 2023/2024 and 3,414 cases were resolved, meaning the court had over 150% Case Clearance Rate. The target is to have all cases filed and resolved within the same year. There are 21 Judges serving in 10 stations and 11 Sub Registries.
She was received by Justice Byram Ongaya, the Principal Judge of the Court together with Presiding Judges of the Court’s 3 Divisions: Justices Mathews Nduma, Jorum Abuodha and Lady Justice Linnet Ndolo. Also present was ELRC Judge Nzioki wa Makau and ELRC Registrar Hon Kennedy Kandet.