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CJ Maraga to deliver Keynote address

THURSDAY, March 22, 2018. CJ Maraga to deliver Keynote address at HarvardnChief Justice David Maraga will tomorrow March 23 give a keynote address at the Harvard Law School, in Cambridge, Massachusetts during the 9th Annual African Development Conference.nThe CJ will speak on the Role of Justice, Good Governance, and the Rule of Law in eliminating poverty and attaining inclusive development.nThe conference themed: Our Time; Our Vision: Wielding Africa’s Potential for Sustainable Growth, is an annual forum that convenes global leaders, business professionals, policy practitioners, government officials, students and alumni.nThe conference offers a platform for the advancement of intellectual and practical discourse on...

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Co-operate tribunal first Service Week March 26-29, 2018. [ See Cause List ]nnThe following is the list of the two hundred (204) files to be listed in the first service week;nnnnS/NOnCASE NO.nAPPLICANTnRESPONDENTnnn1nCTC 202/03nCharles M. Mayenga nHuruma Societynnn2nCTC 206/03nEdward Kinyanjui Mbuguan Olkejuado SACCOnnn3nCTC 212/03nAthanus Mutinda & 4 othersnKimuyu Muinde &2 othersnnn4nCTC 215/03nDominica Wangui KimunyanNACICO SACCO SOCIETYnnn5nCTC 223/03nPaul K. KithisyanNACICO SACCOnnn6nCTC 227/03nKamau MuchunanKiriita Pyrethrum & Vegetable Growersnnn7nCTC 229/03nNkirote Jane StephennSamburu Teachers Cooperative Societynnn8nCTC 231/03nJames Kagochi MwanginNACICO SACCOnnn9nCTC 233/03nCOMOCO SACCO SOCIETY LTDnTim Onyango & 6 othersnnn10nCTC 242/03nMargaret N. TitusnNACICO SACCOnnn11nCTC 251/03nIsaac Kamau NjorogenKitiri F.C.Snnn12nCTC 269/03nCabrosta SACCOnBennet Aziz Chomennn13nCTC 270/03nCabrosta SACCOnHabil O. Makenyannn14nCTC 271/03nChristabel Ndekwa KielenLas Vegas Casinonnn15nCTC 282/03nPatrick...

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Judiciary holds special court tribute proceedings in honour of late Justice Joseph Onguto

The Judiciary held special Court tribute proceedings at Milimani Law Courts on Tuesday March 13, 2018 to honour the Late Judge Joseph Louis Onguto. Judges and LSK members paid special homage in speeches read to the congregation in honour  of the departed judge. ?nn nn[caption id="attachment_4810" align="alignnone" width="5184"] Special proceedings for late Judge Joseph L. Onguto[/caption]nn ...

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Legal Empowerment & Aid Delivery (PLEAD) programme launched

Chief Justice David Maraga launched the Legal Empowerment & Aid Delivery(PLEAD) programme, a 5-year partnership between the Government of Kenya, the EU, legal aid civil society actors, the UNODC & the UNDP. It aims at contributing to improving access to justice and legal aid in Kenya.nn[caption id="attachment_4758" align="alignnone" width="1024"] CJ David Maraga with Bruno Pozzi of EU during the launch of the Euro 34M Programme for Legal Empowerment and Aid Delivery in Kenya-PLEAD[/caption]nn    ...

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Judge Ouko elected President of the Court of Appeal

Judge William Ouko is the new President of the Court of Appeal while Justice Mohammed Warsame has been re-elected to the Judicial Service Commission to represent Court of Appeal Judges. During an election conducted by Court of Appeal judges in Nairobi, Justice Ouko garnered 16 votes beating his only competitor Justice Alnashir Visram who got 4 votes. In the JSC election, Justice Warsame also garnered 16 votes beating Justice Wanjiru Karanja who managed to get 4 votes.nn[caption id="attachment_4914" align="alignnone" width="192"] Court of Appeal Judge William Ouko[/caption]...

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Eldoret Law Courts exhibit at ASK Show

Judiciary’s Stand at the Eldoret ASK show was a beehive of activities as members of the public streamed into the Stand to interface with judicial officers and staff from the Judiciary.nnMembers of public were able to engage one-on-one with the Judiciary, they received legal guidance, and learnt more about Judiciary services.nnThis is inline with Sustaining Judiciary Transformation blueprint.nnnn nn ...

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nnDeputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu has lauded the research and launch of the Justice Needs Survey Report in Kenya terming it as insightful, extremely useful and beneficial to the Judiciary leadership and implementing units which will increasingly be able to base their decisions and strategies on authentic data and well-researched reports and studies.nnSpeaking during the launch of the report which was authored by the Hague Institute for Institutionalization of Law (Hiil) and supported by the World Bank and the Judiciary Training Institute, the Deputy Chief Justice said the Survey contributes to the growing database of comprehensive and functional research and...

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Somalia Judges conduct Mock Trial at Supreme Court, Nairobi

nnSupreme Court judge Ibrahim Mohammed with Somalia Judges and officials from UNODC during the opening ceremony of the Mock Trial for the Somalia Judiciary held at Supreme Court of Kenya on March 5, 2018.?nnSupreme Court Judge Ibrahim Mohammed today presided over the opening ceremony of a three-day Mock Trial Session for Judges from Somalia. nnThe ceremony that was attended by UNODC, Judges form Kenya and Somalia, advocates and prosecutors was held at the Supreme Court, Nairobi.nnThe Mock Trial was aimed at growing capacity of Somali criminal justice practitioners to conduct efficient trials in respect of international standards trials.nnFurther, the exercise is expected...

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Alliance Girls High School students tour Judiciary

nJustice Luka Kimaru speaks to students of Alliance Girls High School at Milimani Law Courts when they visited the Judiciary on an educational tour.nnAlliance Girls High School students tour Judiciaryn nAlliance Girls High School students visited Milimani Law Courts and the Supreme Court on an educational tour.  The students had an opportunity to follow court proceedings at Milimani Courts and learn the Court audio-visual transcription system. Further, they toured the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court as well as the Judiciary Museum of Kenya, at the Supreme Court Building, Nairobi. High Court Judge Luka Kimaru, Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi...

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nn James Muruthi Kihara takes Oath of Office as chair of the Public Private Partnership Petition Committee before CRJ Anne Amadi, at the Supreme Court, Nairobi. Administering the Oath is the acting Registrar of Tribunals Ms Anne Asugah.nnChief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi presided over the swearing-in to Office of six members of the Public Private Partnership Petition Committee. Those who were sworn-in include: Chairperson James Muruthi Kihara and members Mr Paul Karekezi, Mr Maurice De Souza, Ms Ledishah Jebichii Kipseii, Ms Beatrice Nyabira and Mr Stanley Kinuthia Kamau. Acting Registrar of Tribunals Anne Asugah administered the Oaths.nnnnChief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi is...

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