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Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu took of Oath of Office as the JSC Commissioner at Supreme Court, Nairobi. The DCJ is now the Supreme Court Judge representative to the Commission.  Lady Justice Mwilu was elected unopposed to serve for five years as member of the Commission. The DCJ replaces Supreme Court Judge Dr Smokin Wanjala whose term came to end last year....

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Nanyuki Law Courts review inmates sentences

Nanyuki Law Courts CUC conducts a case review exercise at Nanyuki Prison during the facility's Open Day. Sixty prisoners were released during the case review exercise done at the Prison by Nanyuki Resident High Court Judge Mary Kasango and Milimani High Court Criminal Division Presiding Judge Jessie Lesiit. Justice Lesiit is also the chairperson of Bond and Bail Implementation Committee (BBIC). This is part of the efforts to decongest the prisons....

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JCE and IDLO launch key election preparedness publications

The Judiciary and the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO) launched the Judiciary Committee on Elections (JCE) 2016 Annual Report and the Avoiding Violence and Enhancing Legitimacy: Judicial Preparedness for Handling Electoral Disputes in Kenya and Beyond brief.nnThe JCE 2016 Final Report includes detailed information about the Committee’s structure and mandate, its Strategic Plan, electoral reforms and law development, achievements and challenges as well as the way forward for future election disputes resolution (EDR) process. It is a reflection of the JCE work in 2016 and the 2017 projections.nnThe brief on lessons learned on the other hand has a brief on...

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Deputy CJ Philomena Mwilu elected to JSC

nPosted 3rd May 2017nnnnDeputy CJ Philomena Mwilu elected to JSC.  WEDNESDAY, May 3, 2017.  Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu is the new Supreme Court representative to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).nnLady Justice Mwilu was elected unopposed to serve for five years as member of the Commission. The DCJ replaces Supreme Court Judge Dr Smokin Wanjala whose term came to end last year. The elections were held at Supreme Court, Nairobi. The poll was conducted by IEBC.nnDirectorate of Public Affairs and CommunicationnnJUDICIARYnn...

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Highlights of the Chief Justice Blueprint

Chief Justice David Maraga launched his Strategic Blueprint on January 25th 2017, titled Sustaining Judiciary Transformation: A New Service Delivery Agenda. The blueprint is centered on six key areas: improving access to justice, handling corruption in and out of the Judiciary, improving ICT, reducing cases backlogs, digitization, and leadership and governance.nn nnAll these aspirations, he said, are based on transforming the Judiciary, a foundation that was laid by immediate former CJ Willy Mutunga through the Judiciary Transformation Framework Popularly known as JTF that was developed under his tenure.nn nnMaraga also set up a committee to monitor the progress of the blueprint and...

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