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The Judiciary > News (Page 22)

Lady Justice Teresia Matheka at the NCAJ Special Taskforce on Children Matters workshop

NCAJ Special Taskforce on Children Matters held a workshop from July 6-9, 2021, to discuss the implementation of the State of children in the Justice System report and children Service Weeks 2021. The Service Weeks are meant to fast track children cases.nn ady ...

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Judiciary management meet during induction of the Chief Justice retreat

Chief Justice Martha Koome is joined by DCJ Philomena Mwilu, CRJ Anne Amadi, Principal Judges Lydia Achode and Maureen Onyango, DCRJ Paul Maina and the Judiciary Management Team for the management working retreat and induction of the Chief Justice.nn nnnn nn ...

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Court meets LSK to discuss improvement of service delivery at the Court

President of the Court of Appeal Justice Daniel Musinga, the Head of Civil Division Justice Hannah Okwengu & Head of Criminal Division Justice Asike Makhandia in a photo moment with LSK Council members after they held a meeting to discuss improvement of service delivery at the Court.nn nn...

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Eldoret Court and County Government leadership meet to discuss issues affecting access to Justice

Eldoret High Court and ELC Judges Olga Sewe, Stephen Githinji and Dr Millicent Odeny with Uasin Gishu Governor Jackson Mandago when they paid him a courtesy call to discuss issues affecting access to Justice. Also in attendance were Eldoret CM Linus Kassan and DR Grace Sitati.nn nnnn nn ...

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Small Claims Court Adjudicators and Staff trained

nnnnnnThe Chief Justice Martha Koome at the closing ceremony for the Induction Training for Adjudicators and Staff of the Small Claims Court.nThe training was led by the Presiding Judge of the Commercial and Tax Division, the Hon. Mr. Justice Alfred Mabeya with attendance from other stakeholders including the Chairperson of the LSK Nairobi Branch, Mr. Eric Theuri.n nThe Small Claims Court seeks to promote access to and expeditious delivery of justice by increasing dispute resolution efficiency in observing the statutory mandate to finalize each case within 60 days. For the period the court has been in operation( 5 weeks), a total...

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Supreme Court induction session

 nn[caption id="attachment_22443" align="alignnone" width="721"] (L-R) Supreme Court Justices William Ouko, Smokin Wanjala, Philomena Mwilu (DCJ), Martha Koome (CJ), Ibrahim Mohammed, Njoki Ndungu and Isaac Lenaola at an induction session.[/caption]nn(L-R) Supreme Court Justices William Ouko, Smokin Wanjala, Philomena Mwilu (DCJ), Martha Koome (CJ), Ibrahim Mohammed, Njoki Ndungu and Isaac Lenaola at an induction session....

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