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Family division kicks off communication campaign on succession

The Milimani Law Courts Family Division in partnership with KELIN - Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues on HIV/AIDS - launched information education and communication materials on succession matters at the Milimani Law Courts.nnThe event was graced by chief guest Hon. Lady Justice Lydia Achode (Principal Judge) who launched the booklets alongside KELIN Board Secretary Otiende Amollo, Hon Mr. Justice Aggrey Muchelule (Presiding Judge, Family Division) with representatives from the Judicial Service Commission and the Office of the Public Trustee who were also present.nnHon. Lady Justice emphasized the importance of translation of succession information booklets into local languages for easier comprehension...

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Court Annexed Mediation now operational in Eldoret

The Judiciary has now implemented Court Annexed Mediation (CAM) in the Eldoret Law Courts as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.nn nnDuring a courtesy call on the Uasin Gishu County Governor, Jackson Mandago, the Medition team led by the Chair of the Mediation Taskforce, Justice Fred Ochieng noted that positive results had been achieved through mediation since it was launched in 2016.nn nn“We have witnessed tremendous results of mediation, already over 750 cases have been resolved through mediation and  about KSh 4 billion released back to the economy.”nn nnFollowing the successful implementation of mediation in Nairobi, the Judiciary has began to roll out the...

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Court Annexed Mediation now in Garissa county

Court annexed mediation has now been introduced at the Garissa Law CourtsnDuring the launch, Court of Appeal Judge, Justice Alnashir Visram called on Court Users Committee members in the region to embrace mediation noting that it reduces the cost of solving disputes and ensures speedy resolution of disputes.n nJustice Visram who also Chair the Mediation Accreditation Committee, noted that the Judiciary had accredited over 450 mediators across the country to handle mediation cases.nMediation was introduced on a pilot basis at the Family and Commercial Divisions of the High Court in 2016. Later, mediation was extended to other civil courts in Nairobi...

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