Press Release – Lydia Achieng Juma Case
THE CASE OF LYDIA ACHIENG JUMA WHO IS CURRENTLY SERVING HER SENTENCE AT LANG’ATA WOMEN’S PRISONnLOWER COURT RECORDS: KIBERA CRIMINAL CASE No 4892 of 2010 REPUBLIC VERSUS LYDIA ACHIENG JUMAnandnHIGH COURT RECORDS: CRIMINAL DIVISION, CRIMINAL APPEAL NO 114 OF 2013nLYDIA ACHIENG JUMA – (APPELLANT) VERSUS REPUBLIC –( RESPONDENT)nThe Judiciary’s attention has been drawn to a media report carried by several media houses and also circulating widely on social media regarding the above case.nA review of our court records reveal that Lydia Achieng Juma was charged with the offence of Committing an Indecent Act with a Child Contrary to Section 11(1) of...
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