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Witness protection box installed at Lamu court

Minors at Lamu Law Courts will now testify behind a facility that will protect their identity.nnThe witness protection box provided by Office of the Registrar Magistrates Court will protect children from being identified when giving personal testimonies in Court.nnThe facility that has tinted glass, comprises of a microphone connected to a speaker that is installed in the courtroom.nnLamu Law Courts Head of Station Hon Allan Temba Sitati said the witness box will enhance efficiency of court processes. He noted that the court initially had to adjourn and take matters, where children are involved, to chambers in order to facilitate children...

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CJ Maraga condoles with family of late Governor Laboso

Condolence Message to the family of the late Governor Joyce LabosonnIt is with great shock and sadness that I have received news of the death of Governor Joyce Laboso of Bomet County.nnOn behalf of my family, the entire Judiciary and on my own behalf, I wish to express our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to her family and friends, as well as to the people of Bomet County.nn nnI had the opportunity to visit the Governor last month while she was undergoing treatment at a London hospital and she was very radiant and engaged as she reiterated her support for the...

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New court building opened at Molo Law Courts

A new court building was officially opened at Molo Law Courts. Chief Justice David Maraga  presided over the function  that was attended by residents and local leaders of Molo, led by Governor Lee Kinyanjui. nnThis is the fifth court project funded by World Bank through the Judicial Performance Improvement Project (JPIP), to be opened in the country. The World Bank is supporting construction of 29 court projects across the country. Court construction in the country is aimed at increasing access to justice and enhancing service delivery.nnMolo Law Courts handles about 422 cases monthly. Out of these cases, 230 are criminal, 23...

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BCUC holds meeting to improve service

The Business Court Users Committee held discussions on improving delivery of services in the Commercial Division of the High Court.nThe discussions which were led by the Commercial Division Presiding Judge Justice Mary Kasango focused on clearing case backlog and automation of services in the Division.n nThe event was attended by judges in the Division, representatives from Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), Law Society of Kenya (LSK)n n nnn nn ...

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Chairpersons & Members of various tribunals take Oath of Office

nnnDeputy Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Paul Ndemo presided over the swearing-in of the chairpersons and members of various tribunals. The tribunals include: Retirements Benefits Appeals, Micro and Small Enterprises, Industrial Property and Insurance tribunals.nnn nnnI. Retirement Benefits Appeals Tribunalnnn nnn1. Muthoni Gichohi, Chairpersonnnn nnnMembers:nnn2. James Mamboleonnn3. Gideon Solonkannn4. Wangechi Gikonyonnn5. Veronica Soila Leseya-Owendennn nnnII. Micro and Small Enterprises Tribunalnnn1. Joseph Maloba Were, Chairpersonnnn2. Ocharo Kebira, Membernnn nnnIII. Industrial Property Tribunalnnn 1. Brown Murungi Kairaria, Chairpersonnnn nnnMembers: nnn2. Pauline Mudeshnnn3. Wycliff Swanyannn4. Brettah Muthurinnn nnnIV. Insurance Tribunalnnn1. Wambua Kilonzo, Chairpersonnnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn n ...

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Mediation registry opened in Malindi

Court Annexed Mediation (CAM) has now been initiated in Malindi. A mediation registry was set up at the Court to start receiving mediation matters. nnChair of the Court Annexed Mediation taskforce Justice Fred Ochieng led the team that engaged internal and external stakeholders on benefits of alternative dispute resolution. nnThe occasion was graced by Kilifi County Governor Amason Kingi, Judicial Officers from Kaloleni, Msambweni & Kilifi Law Courts. Court Users Committee members also attended the function. nn nn ...

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JSC statement on persons recommended to the President for appointment as Judges of the Court of Appeal

JSC STATEMENT. NAIROBI, JULY 22, 2019nnPreamblennThe Court of Appeal is established under Article 164 (1) of the Constitution. It has jurisdiction to hear appeals from the High Court, environment & Land Court, Employment& Labour Relations Court and any other court or tribunal as prescribed by an Act of Parliament. The Court has an establishment of 30 judges.nnOn 6th August 2018, the President of the Court of Appeal placed a request before JSC to fill 11 vacancies in order to raise the number of judges from the current 19 to the full complement of 30 judges. Pursuant to Article 172 (a)...

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