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Judiciary to deal with corruption cases in accordance with the law

Judiciary to deal with corruption cases in accordance with the lawnnMONDAY, August 20, 2018nnJudiciary is committed to ensuring that all the Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes cases brought before courts are dealt with impartially, expeditiously and in accordance with the law and the evidence presented.nnChief Justice David Maraga said that this is the only way Judiciary can maintain the confidence of the people it serves.nnSpeaking when he officially opened the Annual Judges’ Colloquium in Mombasa, the CJ noted that Judiciary will be professional when handling the cases and urged other actors in the justice chain to be equally diligent and professional...

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Chair PSC sworn in

Chief Justice David Maraga today swore in Mr. Stephen Kirogo as the new Chairperson of the Public Service Commission (PSC) in a ceremony attended by the Head of Public Service,  Joseph Kinyua. Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi administered the Oath. nn nn nn nnnnThe Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua (L) and the new Chairperson of the Public Service Commission, Mr. Stephen Kirogo (R) moments after his swearing in ceremony at the Supreme Court this afternoon. Congratulations.nn nn nnnn nn nn nn ...

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CJ David Maraga at the 2018 Law Society of Kenya Annual Conference

 nnAlthough the concept of constitutionalism these days means different things to different people,[1] it is, however, common ground that constitutionalism entails limited government and the commitment to be governed by such limitations; constitutionalism entails “a recalibration of the State governance [mechanism] so that it is based on the rule of law [and is] … democratic, responsive and accountable”[2]; constitutionalism entails implementation that succeeds in reflecting the desires and aspirations of the people; constitutionalism entails a vibrant implementation that positively “affects and … improves the reality of people’s [lives].”[3]  []nn nn nn ...

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