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The Judiciary > News (Page 61)

JSC members on a tour of counties

JSC Commissioners are on a two-week tour of North Eastern and Central Counties to establish needs for administrative justice.nnDuring the visit, the commissioners will meet Governors, court staff and Court User Committee (CUC) members.nnToday, the commissioners who include Justices Mohammed Warsame and Aggrey Muchelule, Mercy Deche, Prof Olive Mugenda, Felix Koskey Patrick Gichohi and Emily Ominde today paid a courtesy call on Garissa Governor Ali Korane. Tomorrow, the team will pay a courtesy call on Mandera Governor Ali Roba before they meet staff and CUCs. Other counties to be visited are Moyale, Marsabit, Isiolo, Laikipia, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Kiambu.nn nn nnJSC...

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Facility eases printing services at court

Embu law courts have purchased a multifunction printer to ease printing services at the station.nnThe facility which was purchased by the support of the Court Users Committee has capacity to print, photocopy, scan and share documents.nnThe printer is open for use by litigants, staff, police, prosecutors and advocates.nn“The printer has helped reduce delays and adjournments in matters by all parties as witness statements can now be printed and availed easily,” Embu law Courts Chief Magistrate Maxwell Gicheru said.  nnHon Gicheru added that court officials like prosecutors, police officers and advocates no longer give excuses for lacking copies statements, defence, plaints...

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JSC statement on petitions against judges

 nn nnPRESS STATEMENT  NAIROBI, March 20, 2019  The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) in exercise of its mandate to promote and facilitate the independence and accountability of the Judiciary and the efficient, effective and transparent administration of justice, in its meeting of March 19, 2019 deliberated on various matters touching on petitions against various judges of superior courts.nnThe Judicial Service Commission considered two new petitions, one by Mr Yussuf Ibrahim Dimbil against the Hon Chief Justice David K. Maraga for alleged gross violations of the Constitution and another by Mohamed Mohamud Sheikh against four Judges of the Supreme Court namely Hon...

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Embu court excels at exhibition

Embu Law Courts emerged the best government stand that promotes National Cohesion during this year’s Ask show.nnThe court was part of exhibitors at the ASK show held at Njukiri showground, in Embu town.nnThe Judiciary participates in the shows to educate and inform the public on court process and operations. During the exhibition, court officials interact with public, field questions and receive feedback on court services.nnThe show brings together exhibitors from the county as well as neighbouring counties of Kirinyaga and Tharaka Nithi.nnParticipation in shows by courts is supported by the Judiciary through its Public Affairs and Communication unit.nnThe shows are...

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Kisii Law Court has concluded 21 matters that were referred for mediation from 71 matters that were registered. Of the 21 matters, 10 cases were able to reach a settlement agreement within two months. The approximate total value of the 10 matters with settlement was Kshs 3 Million.nThe Court Annexed Mediation roll-out was held in five court stations in November 2018 including Kisumu Law Courts which registered 64 matters, Nyeri Law Courts 52 matters, Kakamega Law Courts 35 matters and Mombasa Law Courts 44 matters referred to mediation.nCases in courts can drag for years before a judgement is given with...

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Long serving staff fetted

It was joy at Kabarnet law courts when staff held a farewell party  in honour of Mr Cyrus Kiambo, who was serving as the Court’s Executive Officer. nnMr Kiambo retired on March 1, 2019, after serving the Judiciary for 39 years. nn"To succeed, you must understand how to live and work with others and be one another's keeper especially during the time of need" Kiambo said. nnHe added, "I can remember very well my youthful moments just after joining the service,I could imagine how I would look like when I will turn  40 years, 20 years passed and I still looked energetic,now I...

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Judicial Service Commission Status Report on Matters Discipline

NEWS RELEASE.   NAIROBI, March 13, 2019. The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) in exercise of its mandate to promote and facilitate the independence and accountability of the Judiciary and the efficient, effective and transparent administration of justice, in its meeting of January 12, 2019 deliberated on several issues.nnA petition for the removal of four Supreme Court judges on allegations of violation of the Constitution, gross misconduct, breach of the Judicial Code of Conduct and Ethics and Oath of Office, FILED BY JARED ONGERI and arising out of the recently concluded Wajir gubernatorial petition, was formally tabled before the JSC.nnThe four Supreme Court...

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