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Kenya to host Pan-African conference of Chief Justices

Nairobi, October 7, 2020.  Kenya to host Pan-African conference of Chief JusticesnnThe Judiciary of Kenya is set to host a high-profile conference for Chief Justices from across the continent to discuss the role of courts in combating climate change in Africa.nnThe conference, dubbed “Greening Judiciary 2020”, is a continent-wide initiative that focuses on building the capacity of judges to apply and enforce environmental laws and to promote the rule of law in environmental matters. As part of the initiative, Judiciaries in the region have held two symposia in 2017 and 2018 in Johannesburg and Maputo respectively.nnThe Symposium will be held in...

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Simplified information on adoption process unveiled

High Court Principal Judge Lydia Achode unveiled the  Adoption Process Simplified booklet. The booklet which was co-authored by the Family Division’s Bar-bench members is expected to demystify the processes of adoption of children. Among those present at the launch that  was sponsored by IDLO were the Division Presiding Judge Aggrey Muchelule, Deputy Registrars and members of the LSK Nairobi branch.  ...

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Kadhis meet for their Continuous Judicial Education & annual retreat

Kadhis are meeting for their Continuous Judicial Education & annual retreat. The conference is facilitated by the Judiciary Training Institute and the Office of the Registrar, Magistrates Courts. nn ...

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CJ opens Isiolo Court Complex

nnnnnnChief Justice David Maraga on September 18, 2020, presided over the official opening of the new Isiolo Court Complex. The four-storey building has 8 courtrooms, 12 chambers and other facilities that will greatly improve the delivery of services in the area. Isiolo will now become a High Court station.n nnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nn nnnnnn...

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CJ gazettes four new High Courts

Chief Justice David Maraga has announced the gazettement of four new High Court stations in Isiolo, Vihiga, Kwale and Nandi.nnThis brings to 43 the number of High Courts in 42 counties, with Nakuru having two located in Naivasha and Nakuru town.nnSpeaking in Isiolo during the official opening of the new Isiolo Law Courts building whose construction was funded by the World Bank to the tune of Sh379M, Justice Maraga said the Judiciary will now be able to accommodate the first High Court station in Isiolo County.nn“This brings us closer to our aspiration of having a High Court in each of...

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