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Othaya court sensitizes public on adoption of ‘out of court’ resolution of disputes mechanism

In advancing the multi-door dispute resolution mechanism espoused in the Judiciary’s Social Transformation through Access to Justice (STAJ) blueprint, Nyeri Presiding Judge Maureen Odero, Justice Anne Ngibuini and Hon. Alfred Kibiru joined the team from Othaya Law Courts, led by the Head of Station Hon. Naomi Wanja, in sensitizing actors in the justice chain and the wider public to adopt ‘out of court’ resolution of disputes during a Court Annexed Mediation Open Day. [gallery size="medium" ids="33635,33636,33637,33638,33639,33640"]  ...

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Nyamira court holds open day

Nyamira Law Courts Presiding Judge Wilfrida Okwany and ELC Judge Mugo Kamau led the court in an open day and tree planting activity. The event offered an opportunity for the justice actors to interact with the public under the theme of access to justice through public awareness and education. [gallery size="medium" ids="33626,33627,33628,33629,33630,33631,33632"]  ...

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Malindi ELRC Open Day

ELRC Principal Judge Byram Ongaya was joined by Kilifi County Governor Gideon Mung'aro, Justices Stephen Githinji, Mwangi Njoroge, Evans Makori, Monica Mbaru, HoS Elizabeth Usui, staff and CUC members during an open day themed, Uimarishaji haki kwa kushirikisha wananchi. [gallery size="medium" ids="33623,33622,33621,33620,33619,33618"]...

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Kirinyaga CUC members trained on plea bargaining, diversion, active case management and sentencing policy guidelines

Kerugoya High Court Presiding Judge Richard Mwongo led a training session for the Kirinyaga County Court Users Committee on plea bargaining, diversion, active case management and sentencing policy guidelines. The training was organized in conjunction with the Legal Resource Foundation and the US Embassy. In attendance were Scott Asphaug ,Gichugu Law Courts Principal Magistrate Leah Kabaria and other CUC members.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33601,33602,33603,33604,33605,33606,33607,33608,33609,33610,33611,33612,33613,33614,33615"]...

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CRJ Mokaya meets with Chairpersons and Administrators of Tribunals

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya met with Chairpersons and Administrators of Tribunals to deliberate on areas of support. In her address, the CRJ reiterated her commitment and support to the tribunals in the implementation of STAJ to enhance access to justice. She also underscored the need to implement the appellate mechanism for tribunals to preserve timelines of hearing appeals from tribunals. She further indicated that Judiciary leadership is working to speed up the implementation of the Tribunals Bill. [gallery size="medium" ids="33593,33594,33595"]  ...

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20 new High Court Judges take Oaths of Office

Twenty High Court Judges took their Oaths of Office on May 14, 2024 in a ceremony presided over by President William Samoei Ruto. Chief Justice Martha Koome said the Judges will embark on a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) in seven divisions of the High Court at Milimani Law Courts to clear 12,000 cases within the next six months. “In the second phase of the RRI, we are targeting courts in the wider Nairobi Metropolitan Area, which accounts for 30 per cent of the national case backlog, with the aim of resolving an additional 9,417 cases,” said the CJ. The CJ noted that as...

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ELRC Principal Judge inspects service delivery at the coast

ELRC Principal Judge Byram Ongaya visited Mombasa ELRC to engage with the court's stakeholders on improvement of service delivery. The visit also intended to assess the level of compliance with regard to the court's performance targets, Registry Operations Manual and the Service Delivery Charter.   [gallery size="medium" ids="33212,33213,33214,33215,33216,33217"]...

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Magistracy must leverage ICT to enhance access to justice says DCJ Mwilu

Magistracy must leverage ICT to enhance access to justice says DCJ Mwilu. Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu has affirmed that Magistrates’ Courts must leverage advancements made in the rollout of Information Communication Technology in the Judiciary to enhance access to justice. The DCJ, who spoke at the end of the Heads of Station Forum in Kisii County said solutions provided by the Data Tracking dashboard and e-filing will enhance performance and accountability in the institution. “The use of data and ICT to enhance individual accountability and to improve performance is here to stay. I would urge us all to recognize this and...

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Magistrates meet in Kisii for their Annual Heads of Stations Forum

Magistrates who head courts stations have converged for the 11th Annual Heads of Stations Forum in Kisii County to exchange ideas and best practices as they strive to be the drivers of innovation and transformation in their courts. Theme: Enhancing Organizational Growth and Sustainability through Shared Leadership. Chief Justice Martha Koome while speaking during the forum directed Magistrates’ Courts countrywide to conduct Rapid Results Initiatives to finalise cases that have been pending for over three years. CJ Koome, who delivered the keynote speech virtually at the start of the 11th Annual Heads of Station Forum, urged courts to prioritise active case and...

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