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The Judiciary > News (Page 37)

Accreditation Tribunal members take Oath of Office

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi presided over the swearing-in ceremony of members of the Accreditation Appeals Tribunal. Those who took Oath of Office are Joel Bosek — (Chairperson), Bulitia Mathews (Prof.), Joel Mutisya, Sammy Muturi, and Kennedy Otieno Ochieng as members. Acting Registrar of the Tribunals Anne Asugah administered the oaths. The five were appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development to serve for three years effective 22nd June 2020.nn nn ...

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E-Filing takes shape in Nairobi Courts

  E-FILING TAKES SHAPE IN NAIROBI COURTS nCourts in Nairobi have so far received and processed over 200 matters filed through the new E-Filing platform introduced in the Judiciary on July 1.n nAs at July 8, 2020, a total of 284 cases had been filed in some Nairobi courts through the E-Filing system and over Ksh3,836,518 collected as court fees, fines & bail.n nThe courts have also uploaded 3,076 files in the Case Tracking System to facilitate the new system launched by Chief Justice David Maraga on July 1 for Courts in Nairobi.n nMilimani Commercial Magistrates Court had the highest number of cases filed through...

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Chief Registrar inspects construction of Court at Homa Bay

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi visited the construction site of the new court complex at the Homa Bay Court to assess progress. The Court will ease congestion and provide more space for court rooms and other services at the station. CRJ also inspected the upscaling of court services.nn nn ...

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CRJ Amadi inspects service delivery at Narok Court

CRJ Anne Amadi inspects the upscaling of court operations and adherence to MOH guidelines at Narok Court. Clients are required to wash their hands, sanitize & have their temperature checked at the gate. Only then are they issued with a special chit to anable them access the court.nn nn ...

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JSC Registrar inspects service delivery at Ogembo Court

JSC Registrar W. Mokaya leading a Judiciary team from Nairobi on an inspection tour of  service delivery at Ogembo Law Courts in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Glass screens have been put up in Ogembo Courts  to prevent possible cross infection between Judicial Officers and clients.nn nn ...

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