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Message of Condolence to the Family of the Late Justice William Deverell

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Message of Condolence to the Family of the Late Justice William Deverell

Message of Condolence to the Family of the Late Justice William Deverell


 I have learnt with great sadness about the demise of Justice William Shirley Deverell, a former judge of the Court of Appeal.


On behalf of the Judiciary, my family and on my own behalf, I wish to express our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.


Justice Deverell had a long and distinguished career in the legal profession, having joined Kaplan & Stratton Advocates in 1963 following his studies at Oxford University. After only two years – in 1965 – he became a partner and later a senior partner, a position he served in for many years. He left the law firm in 2004 to join the Judiciary as a Judge of the Court of Appeal where he served with exemplary diligence and proficiency until his retirement in 2008.


Justice Deverell was a fine lawyer and an outstanding Judge who was highly respected within the legal fraternity. He mentored many young advocates who subsequently became leading lights in Kenya’s legal sector. For this, along with his immense contribution to our jurisprudence, we shall forever be grateful to him.


We pray that God gives his family the fortitude to bear this great loss.




Hon. David. K. Maraga, EGH,


Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court.

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