CJ David Maraga message of Condolence to family of Hon Oduor
December 18, 2020. CHIEF JUSTICE DAVID K. MARAGA’S MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE TO THE FAMILY OF THE LATE CHIEF MAGISTRATE, HON. GODFREY ODUORnnIt is with sadness that I have received the news of the death of one of our judicial officers, Chief Magistrate HonnGodfrey Oduor.nnOn behalf of the Judicial Service Commission, the Judiciary and on my own behalf, I express our deepest condolences to his family, friends and his colleagues in the Judiciary.nnHon Oduor served the Judiciary in various capacities since 21st May 2001 when he joined as a District Magistrate II and started his career at Kibera Law Courts.nnHe was later posted to various stations including Keroka, Kisii, Limuru and Nakuru. By the time of his death he had risen through the ranks to become a Chief Magistrate.nnWe are grateful for the time he served the Judiciary and pray that God grants his family the fortitude to bear thisnloss.nnHON. JUSTICE DAVID K. MARAGA, EGH, CHIEF JUSTICE AND PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME COURT OFnKENYA.