Committee sensitises civil society in the Coastal Region on Alternative Justice System Policy
Committee trains civil society in the Coastal Region on Alternative Justice System (AJS) Policy FRIDAY, September 17, 2021nnThe National Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Alternative Justice System Policy (NaSCI-AJS) and Amkeni Wakenya this week held a three-day workshop in Malindi to train Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on the Alternative Justice System (AJS) Policy.nnThe workshop provides the participants with an opportunity for learning and sharing experiences, lessons learned. The participants came up with action points on the implementation of the policy at the community level in a bid to enhance access to justice especially for the indigent.nn nnJudge Joel Ngugi who chairs the Committee said the training is part of efforts to sensitize the CSOs on the Policy launched on Katiba Day by the Chief Justice.nn nnThe Committee embarked on the training to mobilizing national constituency of multiple actors who have the ability to in turn mobilize, create awareness and advance the realization of justice.nn nnThis is the first group of actors identified for training and development of the County AJS Action Plans and implementation. Participants are drawn from Kwale, Tana River, Mombasa, Nairobi and Kilifi counties.nn nnThe anticipated County AJS Action Plan (AJS CAPs) marks the start of a unique innovation in including citizens and communities in advancing access to justice making use of Kenya’s devolved system of governance and public participation. The AJS CAPs are inspired and aligned by the National AJS Policy launched on August 27, 2020.nn nnThe presiding judge and the County Court Users Committee shall lead the process of developing the aforesaid action plans. The AJS CAPs allow citizens and institutions at the county level to be involved in mitigating the threats to justice, while increasing the deployment of the language of justice in communities. They are also platforms for action through solution-seeking, collaboration, coordination and accountability.nn nnThe Committee is undertaking the training of the 30 participants in partnership with the UNDP and the Kilifi Court Users Committee.nnDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS & COMMUNICATION nnJUDICIARY nn nn