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Hon. Justice Njoki Susanna Ndungu

The Judiciary > Supreme Court Judges  > Hon. Justice Njoki Susanna Ndungu

Hon. Justice Njoki Susanna Ndungu

Hon Lady Justice Njoki Ndungu, CBS, SCJ

Hon Lady Justice Njoki Ndungu, CBS, SCJ

Hon Lady Justice Njoki Ndungu is a Judge of the Supreme Court of Kenya. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and holds both a Masters in Law Degree (LLM) in Human Rights and Civil Liberties and a Diploma in Women’s Rights. She has previously worked as State Counsel in the Office of the Attorney General; Programme Officer at the Institute for Education in Democracy; National Protection Officer at United Nations High Commission for Refugees and Political Analyst in Conflict Management at the African Union.

Lady Justice Ndungu is a former Member of the Pan-African Parliament and also a Member of the 9th Parliament of the Republic of Kenya, where she sat in the Standing Committees on Defense and Foreign Affairs; Administration of Justice and Legal Affairs; and the Parliamentary Select Committee on the Constitution. She is the architect of the Sexual Offences Act 2006 and of the amendments to the Employment Act 2007 providing for paid maternity and paternity leave as well as to the Political Parties Act 2007 on affirmative action measures for women in political participation.

Lady Justice Ndungu sat as a member of the Committee of Experts that drafted the Kenyan Constitution and has received international and national recognition for her work. She was awarded the UN Person of the Year in Kenya 2006 and the International Commission of Jurists – Jurist of the Year Award 2006. Further, she has received Presidential Commendation of the rank of the Elder of the Burning Spear (EBS) in 2006 and later awarded the rank of Chief of the Burning Spear (CBS).


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